What is Microneedling? Procedure, Benefits, and Risks

Microneedling really took off in the mid-90s, but innovation in the area continues to make it a hot topic today. With new technology, the minimally invasive procedure can improve the appearance of scars, boost collagen, and encourage hair growth. Keep reading this quick guide to microneedling to find out everything you need to know. 

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling or collagen induction therapy is a procedure that uses tiny needles to puncture the skin. With a handheld device, the tiny needles make small wounds that encourage your body to produce collagen. The wounds then heal, helping skin to look younger, rejuvenated, and smoother. The procedure is minimally invasive, and you don’t need much downtime. 

You are an ideal candidate for the procedure if you are in good health and have skin concerns that don’t seem to respond to other treatments like chemical peels or home treatments. For some people, microneedling is usually the last step in fixing certain skin issues before opting for invasive anti-ageing cosmetic surgery. Microneedling is mainly done on the face, although you can also use it to address concerns like stretchmarks when combined with fillers. Microneedling may also treat scarring. 

How Does Microneedling Work?

The procedure works by encouraging your skin to produce more collagen. The micro-pricks from the microneedling pen cause slight injury, so the skin responds by making new collagen tissue. The new skin is improved in terms of texture and tone. Usually, our skin loses collagen due to age or injury. Using microneedling encourages the skin to make more collagen tissue. 

What Happens During a Microneedling Procedure? 

Anyone can do microneedling with the proper credentials and experience, including dermatologists and aestheticians. Whenever you decide to get the procedure, ensure that the person is qualified and has done it before. There are microneedling devices you can even use to do microneedling at home. However, these are not advisable as you might injure your skin. You are better off doing it at a reputable cosmetic surgery clinic, where it’s safe.     

Usually, the procedure takes between 10 to 30 minutes, depending on how large the treatment area is. Most people need multiple treatments to start seeing a difference. The doctor will first numb the area with a topical anaesthetic.

During a treatment session, your surgeon will use a handheld microneedling pen called a SkinPen. The fine needles pierce the skin and stimulate new collagen. The punctures are more like pinpricks. They only enter the skin at surface level. The pinpricks are so tiny that you will not even notice them. The doctor moves the tool evenly across the skin so that new skin rejuvenation is even as well. After the procedure, the medical professional will apply a serum or calming treatment to the area. 

In general, it takes about 24 hours to heal. But, it may take up to two to three days, depending on the extent of your treatment. 

What Conditions Can You Treat with Microneedling?

The revolutionary treatment can improve and enhance skin quality. It can help treat a range of skin conditions like: 

  • Acne 
  • Scars
  • Sun damage
  • Stretch marks 
  • Fine lines and wrinkles 
  • Large pores
  • Dark spots

Most people opt for microneedling because the procedure doesn’t take long and isn’t as expensive as laser treatments. Because microneedling doesn’t use heat like laser treatments, it may work for people with darker skin tones. Talk to your doctor about the best treatment options. 

What are the Benefits of Microneedling?

There are so many microneedling benefits. The great thing about microneedling is that it’s a non-surgical treatment where you can carry on with your day following your treatment. 

You can expect immediate results following your treatment. In general, you would have multiple treatments spaced apart; over time, the results should improve after all the treatments. With significant technological breakthroughs, microneedling is now more advanced and effective. 

Microneedling for facial rejuvenation, the Harley Clinic

While the results are pretty immediate, the main draw is the long-term benefits. When wound healing kicks in, it results in elastic and collagen growth. This can kickstart new layers of skin at a cellular level. In the long term, you can expect an improvement in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and a boost in the skin’s overall texture. 

What Can You Expect After a Microneedling Procedure? 

Results from the microneedling facial treatment are almost immediate. Since microneedling isn’t as invasive as cosmetic surgeries, recovery time is usually minimal, with most people requiring minimal downtime or none. You might notice some skin irritation and redness for the first few days. This is just a natural response to the injuries made by the microneedling equipment.

You can return to work immediately after the procedure if comfortable. Some people mask the redness by applying camouflaging makeup as the redness dissipates after the procedure. Your skin will also be more sensitive to the sun, so consider microneedling aftercare tips like wearing sunscreen every time you go out.

After the procedure, the body’s wound healing process kicks in immediately to heal the wound by rejuvenating new skin tissue. In reality, results should be visible after a few weeks. You might need more than one treatment session and other complementary treatments to maintain the results.  

What are the Potential Risks and Complications of Microneedling?

Microneedling is considered a safe and effective treatment. There should be zero to minimal pain. Most of the risks and complications associated with microneedling have something to do with skin irritation. They include:

  • Redness
  • Bruising 
  • Swelling 
  • Discomfort 
  • Drying 
  • Flaking skin 

Although rare, more severe side effects like infection, skin pigment changes, and a reaction to topical treatment may occur.

Microneedling London: Microneedling Procedure at the Harley Clinic    

If you have scars, fine lines, and wrinkles, microneedling is a non-surgical treatment that can give your skin a massive boost. The minimally invasive procedure is hugely popular and requires little to no downtime. 

Microneedling can treat a myriad of conditions and skin concerns to deliver a deeply hydrating glow. If you are considering getting microneedling, go to a qualified doctor to reduce the risk of complications and enhance your results. 

Like any other anti-ageing procedure, ask to see their microneedling before and after photos of patients they’ve treated in the past. Besides their qualifications, that’s the best way to ensure you get the desired results. 

If you’re ready to take the next step, book a consultation today with a qualified plastic surgeon at our Harley Street Clinic.

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