How to fix an overhanging belly with a tummy tuck

Fix An Overhanging Belly with a Tummy Tuck UK for a Svelte Stomach

Are you unhappy with your overhanging belly or sagging tummy skin? You’re not alone. Thousands of people in the UK struggle with stomach overhang, excess skin and fat in their abdominal area.

This condition can be extremely frustrating and embarrassing, causing poor self-confidence and body image. It can also make shopping for clothing that fits properly very challenging.

Luckily, there are many options available to correct stomach or belly overhang, ranging from diet and exercise, liposuction and in some cases a surgical procedure known as abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck.

Overhanging Belly aka ‘Apron Belly:” What Causes It and How Surgery Can Help You Look Better

What causes a hanging belly? Factors such as pregnancy and childbirth, significant weight loss, or even genetics can lead to excess skin and fat accumulating in the abdominal area.

Losing excess body fat through diet and exercise can sometimes fix your overhanging belly naturally. In some cases, however, no matter how hard you work out and count calories, skin overhang can persist and even get worse over time.

VASER liposuction and tummy tuck with thigh lift

This is where surgery can help. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tighten the underlying muscles.

The goal is to give you a flatter stomach while creating a smoother, firmer body contour using a technique called a panniculectomy. In some cases a tummy tuck is performed as part of a mummy makeover or body lift surgery.

When Is Tummy Tuck Surgery an Appropriate Treatment?

So you’ve determined that your have a stubborn overhanging belly that won’t go away no matter how hard you try. Now you want to do something about it and you’re looking for tips and tricks about which surgery is a good option.

Below are two instances when an abdominoplasty can give you the aesthetic results you desire:

You Have Excess Skin and Fat:

This is known medically as a pannus stomach, a condition where extra skin and fat hang from the belly. It’s also sometimes called an “apron” tummy and doesn’t respond well to diet and exercise. In some cases there’s accompanying visceral fat but mostly it’s more superficial subcutaneous fat.

You Have Stretched or Weakened Abdominal Muscles:

The condition is called diastasis recti and is often due to pregnancy or significant weight gain and subsequent weight loss. If this describes you, tummy tuck surgery can be a life-changing procedure if you are looking for a permanent solution to bust belly fat improve your abdominal appearance.

Who is Not a Suitable Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

While the benefits of abdominoplasty are numerous, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. You may not be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you:

Plan on Having Children

If you’re planning to start a family soon, or want more children, you may want to hold off getting the tummy tuck procedure until you’re finished having kids. Pregnancy can reverse the results of you tummy surgery, potentially requiring additional surgical treatments in the future to fix your mummy tummy.

Have Mostly Visceral Fat

Visceral fat is different than subcutaneous fat, the kind that causes an overhanging belly. Visceral fat is located deep in your abdominal cavity, surrounding your organs such as the liver and intestines.

This type of fat is difficult to treat with surgery and requires a different approach, often responding better to diet and exercise.

Suffer From Certain Medical Conditions

Abdominoplasty surgery is a complex medical procedure that has certain risks associated with it. London plastic surgeons generally like to see that you’re in good overall health and have no serious medical conditions before recommending a tummy tuck or any other type of cosmetic surgery.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified specialist plastic surgeon to determine if a tummy tuck is the right option for you. During your initial abdominoplasty consultation you can get more details about what’s involves in the procedure.

You will be able to ask questions about abdominoplasty, how to best treat your stubborn stomach fat (full or mini abdominoplasty), and receive a quote for tummy tuck surgery cost.

Alternative Procedures to Correct Overhanging Belly Fat

There are a number of reasons why you may want to consider an alternative to tummy tuck surgery in our London clinic.

Whether it’s related to tummy tuck cost or simply that you don’t need such invasive plastic surgery, there are other highly effective procedures that can improve the appearance of your overhanging belly.

Liposuction (and vaser liposuction), for example, are less invasive techniques that remove excess fat from specific areas of the body, including the abdomen. While these don’t address excess skin or muscle laxity, they can still improve the overall contour of the abdomen.

Another option is a mini tummy tuck which is a less extensive surgery than the traditional tummy tuck. The mini focuses on the lower abdomen and is ideal for those who have a minimal overhanging belly and moderate amount of excess skin.

In conclusion, if you’re curious to know: How do I get rid of my overhang belly? A tummy tuck could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Remember, the first step is to book your consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the best course of action for your individual needs and goals. Don’t let that stubborn belly affect your confidence. You can have the svelte body shape you’ve always wanted!

The Harley Clinic offers a highly personalised approach to abdominoplasty London United Kingdom. We invite you to book a consultation with our tummy tuck surgeons to learn more about your options at our clinic and centre for surgery in London.

Are you unhappy with your overhanging belly or sagging tummy skin? You’re not alone. Throusands of people in the UK struggle with stomach overhang, excess skin and fat in their abdominal area,. This can be extremely frustrating and embarrassing, causing poor self-confidence and body image.

Luckily, there are many options available to correct stomach or belly overhang, ranging from diet and exercise, liposuction and in some cases a surgical procedure known as abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck.

Overhanging Belly aka ‘Apron Belly:” What Causes It and How Surgery Can Help You Look Better

What causes a hanging belly? Factors such as pregnancy and childbirth, significant weight loss, or even genetics can lead to excess skin and fat accumulating in the abdominal area.

Losing excess body fat through diet and exercise can sometimes fix your overhanging belly naturally. In some cases, however, no matter how hard you work out and count calories, skin overhang can persist and even get worse over time.

This is where surgery can help. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tighten the underlying muscles.

The goal is to give you a flatter stomach while creating a smoother, firmer body contour using a technique called a panniculectomy. In some cases a tummy tuck is performed as part of a mummy makeover or body lift surgery.

When Is Tummy Tuck Surgery an Appropriate Treatment?

So you’ve determined that your have a stubborn overhanging belly that won’t go away no matter how hard you try. Now you want to do something about it and you’re looking for tips and tricks about which surgery is a good option.

Below are two instances when an abdominoplasty can give you the aesthetic results you desire:

You Have Excess Skin and Fat:

This is known medically as a pannus stomach, a condition where extra skin and fat hang from the belly. It’s also sometimes called an “apron” tummy and doesn’t respond well to diet and exercise. In some cases there’s accompanying visceral fat but mostly is more superficial subcutaneous fat.

You Have Stretched or Weakened Abdominal Muscles:

The condition is called diastasis recti and is often due to pregnancy or significant weight gain and subsequent weight loss. If this describes you, tummy tuck surgery can be a life-changing procedure if you are looking for a permanent solution to bust belly fat improve your abdominal appearance.

Who is Not a Suitable Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

While the benefits of abdominoplasty are numerous, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. You may not be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you:

Plan on Having Children

If you’re planning to start a family soon, or want more children, you may want to hold off getting the tummy tuck procedure until you’re finished having kids. Pregnancy can reverse the results of you tummy surgery, potentially requiring additional surgical treatments in the future to fix your mummy tummy.

Have Mostly Visceral Fat

Visceral fat is different than subcutaneous fat, the kind that causes an overhanging belly. Visceral fat is located deep in your abdominal cavity, surrounding your organs such as the liver and intestines.

This type of fat is difficult to treat with surgery and requires a different approach, responding better to diet and exercise.

Suffer From Certain Medical Conditions

Abdominoplasty surgery is a complex medical procedure that has certain risks associated with it. London plastic surgeons generally like to see that you’re in good overall health and have no serious medical conditions before recommending a tummy tuck or any other type of cosmetic surgery.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified specialist plastic surgeon to determine if a tummy tuck is the right option for you. During your initial abdominoplasty consultation you can get more details about the procedures.

You will be able to ask questions about abdominoplasty, how to best treat your stubborn stomach fat (full or mini abdominoplasty), and receive a quote for tummy tuck surgery cost.

Alternative Procedures to Correct Overhanging Belly Fat

There are a number of reasons why you may want to consider an alternative to tummy tuck surgery in our London clinic.

Whether it’s related to tummy tuck cost or simply that you don’t need such invasive plastic surgery, there are other procedures that can improve the appearance of your overhanging belly.

Liposuction (and vaser liposuction), for example, are less invasive procedures that removes excess fat from specific areas of the body, including the abdomen. While it doesn’t address excess skin or muscle laxity, it can still improve the overall contour of the abdomen.

Another option is a mini tummy tuck which is a less extensive surgery than the traditional tummy tuck. The mini focuses on the lower abdomen and is ideal for those who have a minimal overhanging belly and moderate amount of excess skin.

In conclusion, if you’re asking: How do I get rid of my overhang belly? A tummy tuck could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Remember, the first step is to book your consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the best course of action for your individual needs and goals. Don’t let that stubborn belly affect your confidence. You can have the svelte body shape you’ve always wanted!

The Harley Clinic offers a highly personalised approach to abdominoplasty London United Kingdom. We invite you to book a consultation today with our tummy tuck surgeons to learn more about your options at our clinic and centre for surgery in London.

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