How Long is a Forehead Reduction Scar? cover

How Long is a Forehead Reduction Scar?

A forehead reduction scar results from a forehead reduction surgery. If you’re wondering how long is a forehead reduction scar and what to expect, read on. Also known as hair-lowering surgery, forehead reduction surgery is an invasive facial surgery that helps reduce the distance between your hairline and your eyebrows. It reduces larger foreheads, which genetics, previous cosmetic procedures, or hair loss could cause. However, it is important to note that a forehead reduction surgery differs from a brow lift and facelift.

How Long is a Forehead Reduction Scar?

The experience involved when undergoing a forehead reduction surgery is usually unique to each person. This includes the healing period and when the forehead scar created completely heals. However, the procedure creates a scar along your hairline, which is often evident for a few months after the procedure, making the forehead reduction scar as long as the hairline where the incision is.

Most patients can often resume their normal routine activities a week or two after undergoing the procedure when the swelling and bruising reduce. However, most doctors recommend avoiding strenuous work during the recovery period. In addition, the scar takes up to 3 months for the incision to fade completely. Therefore, most patients often use their hair, hats, scarves, and headbands to cover the incision before it heals.

Forehead reduction via hairline advancement by 2cm, The Harley Clinic, London
Forehead reduction via hairline advancement by 2cm – its equivalent to 6,000 grafts of hair. It day case, local anaesthesia, 60-90 mins.

What Type of Scarring Can You Expect From a Forehead Reduction?

Forehead reduction surgery involves removing skin from the forehead and closing the gap, resulting in a scar. This is the only type of scarring you should expect after forehead reduction surgery. This is because, during the forehead reduction surgery, your surgeon will make an incision that will help loosen the tissues to enable the hair-baring skin to be moved. After the incision, the excess skin is removed, then the incision is closed, and no further incisions are made.

The forehead reduction scar is often easy to hide, and you can do it by hiding it under your hair. Specifically, hair follicles that lie underneath and adjacent to the incision help hide the scar. 

Although a forehead reduction surgery results in a forehead reduction scar, it often has various benefits for those who are good candidates for the procedure. But how do you know you are a good candidate; the following are some of the things to consider:

  • You have a higher hairline, and you want it lowered
  • You have a large forehead, and you want it shortened
  • You had a brow lift done and want to bring your hairline forward
  • You had a hair grafting procedure done and want to increase your hairline

Although a forehead reduction scar may take some time to heal, the outcome often has benefits associated with improving your facial appearance. If you’re considering forehead reduction surgery, contact the Harley Clinic team and book a consultation today.

Further Reading:

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