Scarring From Breast Lift: How to Prevent Scar Complications Post Surgery, UK

If you’re considering a breast lift procedure in London, the topic of scarring may be at the forefront of your mind. Scars after breast surgery are a common concern for many patients undergoing this type of cosmetic procedure.

At the Harley Clinic our main goal is to achieve natural-looking results with minimal visible scarring. By utilising advanced techniques and precise incision placement, we’re able to deliver outstanding results for our patients .

Keep in mind that even at the hands of a highly experienced and skilled plastic surgeon, complications can sometimes occur. Below are some issues that may arise with your breast lift scars and what to do if you experience complications or sub-optimal scarring from breast lift.

What is Scarring From Breast Lift?

Breast lift scars typically result from incisions made during your plastic surgery. These are necessary to remove excess skin, reshape breast tissue, and reposition the nipple to achieve a more youthful and lifted appearance.

Depending on your breast shape, size and surgical techniques, scars may be placed along the areola, extending straight down (vertically) and under the breast crease. Your cosmetic surgery provider will discuss all these with you during your initial consultation.

The extent and visibility of scarring can vary depending on factors such as individual breast surgery healing time, breast lift techniques used by your plastic surgeon, incision placement and closure of incisions. Other factors that may affect your breast lift scars include whether breast reduction or implant removal were involved.

What Kind of Breast Lift Scars Complications Can Occur?

As mentioned previously, many breast lift surgery patients experience scars as part of the healing process. In rare cases, the following issues may arise with your surgical scars, so taking the right steps is important to ensure an optimum healing process and final appearance of scars.

Breast Surgery Scar Infection

After undergoing breast lift surgery, it is crucial to keep an eye out for any signs of infection. Redness and swelling around the incision sites are common indicators of a possible infection. Symptoms and their underlying causes must be treated right away to prevent any series complications.

Hypertrophic Scarring

A hypertrophic breast lift scar is a thickened, raised scar that can develop following breast lift surgery. While scarring is a natural part of the healing process after most surgical procedures, hypertrophic scars can be more noticeable and sometimes uncomfortable.

Keloid Scarring

A keloid breast lift scar is characterized by its raised, thickened appearance, extending beyond the boundaries of the original incision. They can occur 2-3 months after breast procedures, and can be particularly problematic due to their potential to recur and grow larger over time.

Delayed Healing

In some cases, breast lift scars may take longer to heal properly. Every individual has a unique scar timeline. Factors such as poor wound care, infection, or underlying health conditions can contribute to delayed healing.

Scar Contracture

Scar contracture is type of scar tissue that happens when skin tightens excessively, causing the scar to become firm, potentially restricting movement or causing discomfort. This can sometimes affect the shape and position of the breasts.

Pigmentation Changes

Scars after surgery may result in changes in pigmentation, causing them to appear darker or lighter than the surrounding skin. This can be more noticeable in individuals with darker skin tones. If cared for properly, these types of scars fade over time on their own.

What to Do if You Experience Complications

If you experience any of the conditions above notify your surgeon immediately to avoid the situation from getting worse. In case of infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Make sure to follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions carefully. This typically includes keeping the scar clean and moisturised, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and using the recommended scar treatment products such as scar gels or silicone treatments.

Scar Removal Treatments for Breast Lift Scars

Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon can help monitor the scar’s progress and ensure appropriate interventions are taken in a timely manner. Some scars may require a non-surgical approach such as anti-inflammatory injections or laser treatments.

In very rare cases, undergoing surgical scar revision procedures may necessary to enhance the scar’s appearance.

The best way to prevent significant scarring from breast lift is by choosing a qualified surgeon to perform your plastic surgery in London. Book a consultation today at the Harley Clinic to discuss your breast lift goals.

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