8 Helpful Tips to Prepare for Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery 

Having Brazilian butt lift surgery (BBL) is a big decision. An increasing number of people are choosing to undergo BBL surgery to get a curvier, rounder backside. Preparing for the surgery is a key part of setting yourself up for a smooth recovery and optimum results. Like most cosmetic surgeries, to maintain great results, you need to adopt healthy lifestyle choices now and in the future. 

What is BBL Surgery?

Brazilian butt lift surgery involves multiple phases. The first phase uses liposuction to remove fat from the body. The fat is then processed and re-injected into the buttocks using fat transfer techniques. Although this sounds simple, it’s a complex procedure that requires expert knowledge and training. 

The aim of a BBL is to use fat transfer techniques to create a natural-looking and shapely backside without the need for implants. The procedure can improve the contours of the body and create an hourglass shape. It can also target stubborn areas of fat at the same time. To learn more about the procedure, we’ve pulled together a quick guide on Brazilian butt lift surgery that goes into more detail. 

Before and After BBL Surgery 

Before and after Brazilian butt lift surgery BBL, The Harley Clinic

8 Tips: How to Prepare for BBL Surgery

Preparing for Brazilian butt lift surgery involves a few different elements. It includes preparing your body and mind for surgery. At the same time, you need to prepare the space around you so that you’re ready to rest and recover. Here are 8 tips to help you prepare for a BBL. 

1. Stop Smoking and Avoid Alcohol 

For smooth healing, stop smoking before your surgery and avoid alcohol in the run-up to your procedure. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least a few weeks before your surgery. If possible, quit smoking altogether, as smoking can interfere with the healing process. In the first few weeks after your BBL, you will also need to avoid smoking and alcohol. Smoking increases the chance of post-op complications and impacts the healing process. 

2. Follow a Healthy Diet and Drink Plenty of Water 

To prepare for surgery, your body needs to be in an optimum state. So that you can retain your results, it’s important to adopt a healthy lifestyle before and after your surgery. That means following a nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly while you prepare for your surgery. A healthy lifestyle will help you to maintain long-lasting results. 

3. Maintain an Ideal and Healthy Weight 

A BBL uses your own fat to enhance your buttocks. Your surgeon will talk to you about maintaining an ideal weight before your surgery. It’s important that you’re at your ideal weight and able to maintain it before your surgery. Your weight shouldn’t be yoyoing beforehand. 

4. Mentally Prepare for the Procedure 

This surgery is going to change your appearance and have an impact on your confidence. You need to mentally prepare for the procedure, the changes to your body, and your recovery. You won’t be able to sit for a while after your surgery, and this in itself can be challenging. Start by understanding your procedure and recovery, as well as having realistic expectations of the surgery. Surround yourself with positive and supportive friends and family.

5. Stock Up on Any Supplies You Need 

Preparing for your surgery involves stocking up anything you think you will need for your recovery. Once you’re out of your surgery and at home, it will be challenging to move around, and you have to avoid sitting. Think about stocking up on pain medication, pillows, and healthy foods. 

6. Set Up a Comfortable Recovery Space 

Before your surgery, set up your recovery space. Put anything you need in a reachable position. It’s a good idea to ask someone to stay with you at home for the first few days as you will need extra help during this time. Think about phone chargers, spare batteries, and health products—anything you will need to use during your BBL recovery

7. Have Loose Fitting Clothes Ready 

You want to wear loose-fitting clothing that is easy to take on and off while you’re healing. Avoid wearing anything tight. Have a few sets of loose clothing and pyjamas ready to make yourself comfortable during recovery. 

8. Pack Your Hospital Bag

If you’re approaching your surgery day, you can start to think about your hospital bag. You can pack the clothes you want to wear and any comfort items you think you will need. It’s best to avoid items like jewellery or tight clothing. The aim of your hospital bag is to make your stay as comfortable as possible. If you’re staying overnight, consider a sleep mask, dressing gown, slippers, magazines, prescription medicines, and underwear. 

Before and after BBL at the Harley Clinic

How to Optimise Your Brazilian Butt Lift Results 

A Brazilian butt lift is a serious medical procedure that requires a great deal of preparation. The more prepared you feel physically and mentally, the smoother the recovery time. It’s important that you follow your surgeon’s pre and post-operative instructions for optimal BBL recovery and long-lasting results. 

By taking steps to prepare for your Brazilian butt lift surgery, you put yourself in a strong position for recovery. Choosing an expert plastic surgeon is crucial in achieving optimal results. In addition, your recovery time also has a significant impact on your results. 

Here are some tips for a smooth recovery:

  • Stay hydrated 
  • Don’t sit on your bum 
  • Continue to maintain a stable weight 
  • Wear the right compression garments
  • Wait about 8 weeks until you start exercising 

The preparation time allows you to prepare both mentally and physically for the recovery time. That means you have everything you need to sleep comfortably, follow a healthy diet, and pencil in the rest your body needs to heal. While it’s obvious that the procedure and your surgeon are key choices in your BBL journey, the prep and recovery parts are crucial in your results. 

Contact the Harley Clinic today to book a consultation at our Harley Street cosmetic surgery clinic. 

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