4 Tips to Prepare for Male Chest Reduction Surgery

Male chest reduction surgery is a procedure to treat gynaecomastia, a condition that causes enlarged male breasts. Because the condition isn’t medically serious, the surgery is usually performed because of the other benefits it brings to confidence and self-esteem. If you’re considering male chest reduction surgery, here are four tips to help prepare you. 

What is Male Chest Reduction Surgery?

Gynaecomastia causes an increase in breast tissue in men. It can result in “man boobs” and significantly impact your confidence and overall sense of well-being. Male breast reduction surgery treats the condition by removing excess tissue. Gynaecomastia surgery was one of the top 5 cosmetic procedures for men in 2021. It’s a permanent solution to enlarged male breasts and offers long-lasting results. 

There are several reasons to have male chest reduction surgery, such as: 

  • Increase in confidence 
  • Clothes fit better 
  • Improve the overall appearance of the chest
Gynaecomastia Recovery Time: Male breast reduction surgery at The Harley Clinic, London
50 year old male having liposuction of the abdomen and chest with gland excision and a mini-abdominoplasty incorporating an old appendix scar.

4 Tips to Prepare for Male Chest Reduction Surgery 

The procedure is straightforward and doesn’t require too long a recovery. But it’s essential that you feel ready for your surgery. Follow these tips to help you prepare for male breast reduction surgery.  

1. Choose the Right Surgeon 

You need to choose the right surgeon to help you prepare for your surgery. Your plastic surgeon should be experienced in treating gynaecomastia with expert knowledge of human anatomy. You want good communication with your surgeon and clear expectations about what you can achieve. 

2. Stop Smoking 

You should avoid smoking several weeks before and after your surgery. Smoking increases the risk of complications both during and after surgery. Smokers are more likely to have anaesthesia-related complications and slower healing in recovery. You must also stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements before your procedure.  

3. Overhaul Diet and Exercise 

Improving your diet and exercise routine will ensure you’re healthy for surgery and benefit your overall health following the procedure. Following a healthy diet and exercise regime can help you to maintain a healthy weight. Tips for improving your diet and exercise include: 

  • Eating more fruits and vegetables
  • Reducing your alcohol consumption 
  • Exercise for 30 minutes x 3 times a week 
  • Limit the amount of sugar in your diet
  • Cut down on processed foods 

4. Make a Recovery Plan                                

An important part of preparing for your surgery is making a plan for your recovery. This includes asking a friend or family member to drive you home after the surgery and stay with you for the first 48 hours. After the first few days, you’ll be able to return to work. 

While male chest reduction surgery is a permanent solution for gynaecomastia, you need to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight. By preparing for your surgery properly, you can set yourself up for a smooth outcome and recovery. 

What Happens During Male Chest Reduction Surgery?

Male breast reduction surgery is usually an outpatient procedure, so you’ll go home the same day. Before the surgery, it’s advisable to have arranged for someone to drive you home since you’ll be coming out of anaesthesia. Sometimes, the surgeon may use male liposuction to remove excess breast tissues and fat. The surgeon will insert a liposuction cannula through small incisions to remove fat. 

If you have excess fat and skin tissue, the doctor will need to make larger incisions to remove the excess tissue. Depending on how much tissue needs removing, the surgeon may have to reposition the nipple and areola. The incision length, pattern and location depend mostly on the size of the breasts and your desired look. 

With gynaecomastia, some men require a combination of excision and liposuction. Your plastic surgeon will advise on the most appropriate procedure. The procedure is done under general anaesthesia.

What to Expect After Male Chest Reduction Surgery?

Since this is an invasive procedure, it may take several weeks for you to recover from the surgery fully. You’ll need to take a few days off work since your chest will be sore, bruised and swollen for a few weeks. Typically, you can head back to work in a week, but it takes up to 6 weeks to recover fully. 

You will need to wear a compression garment every day and night for about 1 to 2 weeks. You will also have dressings underneath the compression garment. How long you stay with the dressings will depend on how quickly your wounds heal. Your stitches will either dissolve or get removed after 1 to 2 weeks. 

While recovering from male breast reduction surgery, avoid engaging in strenuous activities and heavy lifting for about 3 weeks. It can take up to 6 weeks to return to normal activities. Give yourself time to heal, as this will determine the final results. It may take several weeks for the pain to subside, after which you may return to driving and wearing a seatbelt. 

It may take up to 6 months for the final results to show. Most men have a scar around the nipple. If the breast reduction procedure was extensive, you might have a vertical or horizontal scar across your breast crease. Scars fade over time, and it may take several months to a year for that to happen.  

Male breast reduction surgery at The Harley Clinic, London

What are the Possible Risks and Complications of Gynaecomastia Surgery? 

Like many cosmetic procedures, male breast reduction surgery has potential risks and complications. Your doctor will talk to you about the risks so you have all the information you need. Male chest reduction surgery could result in the following complications:

  • Unevenly shaped nipples and breasts 
  • Thick, obvious scars
  • Nipple sensation loss
  • Problems with wound healing
  • Bleeding inside the breast tissue which usually happens within the first 24 hours following the procedure 
  • Swelling, bruising and development of lumps in the breast tissue 
  • Excessive bleeding during the procedure
  • Infections 
  • Blood clots in the deep veins could be fatal 
  • You may develop an allergic reaction to the anaesthesia 

Male Breast Reduction London 

Book a free consultation today at the Harley Clinic, London, if you’ve been struggling with large breasts and would like to discuss treatment options.  

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