Liposuction is one of the fastest-growing plastic surgery procedures for men in the UK, with more and more men opting for male liposuction to reshape and tone areas of the body. 

Male Liposuction: General Overview

What is Male Liposuction?

Even with diet and exercise, many men are left with pockets of stubborn fat. Male liposuction is a standard body contouring procedure that removes unwanted fat deposits, creating a more contoured body.

Liposuction helps treat several areas, including:

  • Abdomen
  • Male chest
  • Love handles 
  • Chin
  • Arms 

Lipo for men can be done as a standalone procedure or as part of other cosmetic procedures like male breast reduction and a tummy tuck for men. Your plastic surgeon will decide on the best course of treatment for your specific case. 

Please note that male lipo is not a quick weight loss fix. It’s, therefore, always advisable to take care of yourself before and after any fat removal surgery to maintain the results. Undergoing liposuction is a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. 

Male Liposuction Before and After Photos

Who is a Great Candidate for Male Liposuction?

Liposuction is an excellent procedure if you have stubborn fat that won’t go away even with diet and regular exercise. However, not all men are perfect for this type of cosmetic procedure. You are a great candidate for male liposuction if you are within 30% of your healthy weight zone. For the best results, you’ll also need good skin elasticity and to quit smoking.

What are the Benefits of Male Liposuction?

Male liposuction helps tone certain areas like the chest. Gynaecomastia or “man boobs” can make you self-conscious, and that’s what male lipo helps address. The procedure can also help tone your abdomen and eliminate love handles. 

Generally, liposuction for men is used to deliver an overall toned physique by addressing pockets of fat in various areas of the body, including the chin, arms, neck, calves, ankles, inner knee, thighs, and even buttocks.  

What Happens During Male Liposuction?

Liposuction for men is performed under general anaesthesia. The procedure can take between 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the area being treated. The surgeon will make a small incision on the treatment area. To minimise male liposuction scars, your surgeon will make the incision in a discrete area, such as a natural crease. 

After making the incision, the surgeon inserts a small tube called a cannula and moves it around to disrupt the fat tissue for easy extraction. The cannula is usually attached to a vacuum which sucks out the unwanted fat. Once all the fat is removed, the surgeon will close the incision. You may need wear a compression garment, depending on what area was treated. 

What to Expect After Male Liposuction?

Following the procedure, there will be some swelling, pain, and bruising around the area. Depending on the treatment area, you may have to take a few days to up to a couple of weeks off work. You will likely have some drainage in the first 24 to 48 hours following the procedure. You will also have a compression garment that you will have to wear for about 2 weeks. 

Generally, recovery can take anywhere between 2 to 6 weeks. Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for 4 weeks. Male lipo results following the procedure are almost instant, but post-op bruising and swelling can make it hard to see them. Full results will appear gradually as the swelling goes down. Significant changes become apparent after 4 weeks in most cases, but generally, it can take up to 6 months for the final results to show. 

Male Liposuction: Plastic Surgery for Men Before and After Photos

VASER Male Liposuction Before and After

What are the Possible Risks and Complications of Male Liposuction?

While liposuction is considered safe, it still comes with several risks and complications, including: 

  • Anaesthesia complications 
  • Damage to nerves, muscles, blood vessels, and internal organs 
  • Fluid accumulation 
  • Infections
  • Irregular pigmentation
  • Irregular asymmetries or contours 
  • Undesirable results requiring revision surgery 
  • Bleeding 
  • Hematoma
  • Skin and or fat/necrosis 
  • Pain 
  • Swelling 
  • Poor wound healing
  • Poor scarring 
  • Contour irregularity
  • Seroma
  • Over/under correction
  • DVT
  • PE
  • Chest infection
  • Change of colour of skin 
  • Changes over time 
  • Damage to deeper structures 
  • Unsatisfactory outcome 

Male Liposuction UK: Male Liposuction at The Harley Clinic

Patient Reviews at The Harley Clinic