Buccal Fat Removal procedure. Picture of a woman with prominent cheekbones.

Cheek Fat Removal Aftercare, London: 5 Things You Should Know

Are you considering cheek fat removal (aka buccal fat removal) surgery at our Harley Street London clinic?

If you are interested in cheek reduction, then be advised that the post-operative phase is very important to achieve the desired outcome for your surgical cheek contouring.

Post surgery, it’s crucial to prioritise your recovery by following specific guidelines outlined by your cosmetic surgeon.

Below we share five essential aftercare tips that patients need to consider as they navigate the recovery of their buccal fat cosmetic procedure:

Cheek fat reduction buccal fat removal surgery before and after.

Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions After Buccal Fat Removal

Cheek reduction surgery can be very rewarding. It can give your face, cheekbones and jawline more definition and contour. It can also give you a more desirable narrow face appearance.

Your plastic surgeon is there to help to guide you through the entire buccal fat removal process. During your initial fat removal London consultation, you’ll discuss all the details pertaining to your fat removal procedure.

This will include your facial structure, an in-depth explanation of buccal lipectomy, the placement of the incisions and the amount of fat that will be removed. You will also cover buccal fat removal cost, the recovery process and finally, what kind of results your can expect to your face appearance.

Before surgery, all patients are provided with detailed post-operative instructions. These typically include guidelines on proper wound care, medications, and any activity restrictions. It’s important to follow these directions carefully to prevent any post-op risks to buccal fat reduction surgery.

Get Proper Rest After Your Fat Removal Surgery

After undergoing cheek fat removal surgery, your body needs time to rest and recuperate. Avoid engaging in strenuous activities such as running and lifting heavy weights until your surgeon gives you the green light.

Keep in mind that overexerting yourself can increase swelling and discomfort in your remaining fat pads and cheekbones. Furthermore, it can increase the risk of infection and other complications post buccal fat removal.

Therefore, plastic surgery patients are advised to get plenty of rest and attend all their scheduled post-operative appointments at the Harley Street skin clinic, London, UK.

What You East Matters Post Buccal Fat Removal

Your diet plays a crucial role in the healing process after buccal fat pad removal. To minimise damage to your cheek incisions and facilitate faster healing, consume a soft diet for the first few days following surgery.

Foods such as soups, smoothies, yogurt and mashed potatoes are good choices. Avoid hard, crunchy foods or those with sharp edges such as potato chips. Also stay away from spicy foods as these may irritate the surgical site.

After some of the excess fat has been removed to lessen cheek fullness, your facial features will appear more sculpted and you’ll notice more prominent cheekbones.

Follow a healthy diet and lifestyle after your buccal fat removal procedure to maintain your sculpted facial proportions and ensure more permanent results.

It’s important to note that chubby cheek surgery outcomes can be affected by weight gain, causing some of your unwanted fat and rounded cheeks to return.

Keep Your Head Elevated

Face swelling is the most common side effect of buccal fat removal surgery, particularly in the initial days. Fat removal surgeons generally recommend sleeping with your head elevated. This can help reduce swelling and discomfort by promoting lymphatic drainage.

Use extra pillows to prop yourself up while you sleep, keeping your head elevated above your heart. Additionally, maintaining a semi-upright position during the day can further alleviate swelling and promote healing following facial fat removal.

Stay Hydrated Following Buccal Fat Removal

Drinks lots of fluids to ensure optimal healing and recovery after your excess cheek fat removal surgery. Stay hydrated with purified water, herbal teas and fresh juices.

Adequate hydration promotes circulation and prevents your mouth from drying out. This is crucial for delivering nutrients and oxygen to the incision sites. Avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine, as they can dehydrate you and potentially interfere with your recovery process.

By following these aftercare tips and staying in close communication with your plastic surgeon, you can ensure a smooth and successful recovery journey after cheek fat removal surgery.

Remember, patience is key as full results of your procedure may take several weeks to become apparent. In the meantime, self-care, rest, and relaxation will support your body’s healing process and achieve the sculpted facial contour you desire.

The Harley Clinic on Harley Street offers a highly personalised approach to buccal fat removal. We invite you to book a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon today to learn more about cheek fat removal surgery, as well as our other procedures at our London clinic.

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