Buccal Fat Pad Removal

Feeling confident and good about yourself is important. Although some fullness in the cheeks can offer a youthful appearance, too much can make you feel ‘chubby-cheeked’. This can make you self-conscious about the way you look. Buccal fat pad removal is the surgical process of removing fat from the cheeks. The safe and effective procedure […]


There’s an increasing amount of people looking to have the perfect belly button. A procedure called umbilicoplasty can achieve this.  What is Umbilicoplasty? Umbilicoplasty is also known as belly button surgery. It’s an operation that changes the appearance or shape of your belly button. The procedure can help repair the belly button after pregnancy, significant […]

Mummy Makeover

The aim of a mummy makeover is to restore your body to its original contours and shape before pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth can take their toll on your body, and the mummy makeover looks to restore balance and help you achieve your dream body.  What is a Mummy Makeover? The mummy makeover is […]

Thigh Lift (Thighplasty)

Thighs are often one of the most difficult areas to target naturally through diet and exercise. It’s challenging to tighten skin on the thighs, especially after losing a significant amount of weight. It’s entirely normal to have sagging skin after weight loss.  If you don’t like your thighs, it can take a toll on your […]

Gynaecomastia | Male Breast Reduction

Gynaecomastia is a condition that affects boys and men. It’s sometimes referred to as ‘man boobs’. Although it’s not usually a serious medical condition, it can be tough to live with. Often, it causes embarrassment and really impacts self-esteem and confidence.  What Exactly is Gynaecomastia? The condition, pronounced guy-nee-co-mastia, is most common in boys and […]

Brow Lift

The eyebrow lift or forehead lift tackles sagging brows that make a face look older and more tired than it should. With all the Zoom time in recent months, facial treatments are surging in popularity. If you’re looking for a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance, you might be considering a brow lift.  The procedure is […]

Facelift and Neck Lift

The ageing process is something that happens to all of us sooner or later. Gravity, stress, and sun exposure can all take their toll on your face and neck. Your smile lines can deepen, jawline sag, and neck can become loose. Your skin doesn’t necessarily reflect your age, as multiple factors can impact how your […]


The nose is central to the look and balance of the face. A lot of people are unhappy with the shape or size of the nose. This really affects their confidence and how they feel. To restore balance and feel good about your appearance, many people opt for rhinoplasty surgery. With back to back video […]

Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Trends

As we move firmly into 2021, the coronavirus pandemic continues to impact all our lives. With a significant focus on health going forward, many people’s priorities have changed. In the world of plastic and cosmetic surgery, we’re seeing major changes. Even with the rollout of a vaccine and going back to some sort of normalcy, […]

Breast Augmentation: Implants vs Fat Transfer

If you’re looking for a way to enlarge or enhance your breasts, you are probably considering the question – breast implants vs fat transfer, but what should you really consider? Both are popular treatment options for breast enlargement. However, they are very different procedures. Let’s take a look at the difference between the two so […]