What is the Difference Between a Tummy Tuck and Belt Lipectomy?

When it comes to plastic surgery, you have a lot of options to consider. Often, that’s a problem in itself. Where do you start? Many people look to cosmetic surgery to improve the contours of the body and tackle issues that diet and exercise struggle to reduce. 

Quick Overview: Tummy Tuck vs Belt Lipectomy 

The tummy is an area of the body that a lot of people struggle with. Whether you have lost a significant amount of weight, had a baby, or find it tough to lose excess fat, there are several procedures that address tummy concerns and help you to achieve the results you want. A belt lipectomy and tummy tuck are two of the most common procedures that deal with the abdomen. While they are similar in many ways, there are a few key differences. 

Firstly, let’s start with the basics. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a procedure that removes and tightens excess skin on the stomach. There are different types of tummy tucks, such as a drainless tummy tuck and mini-abdominoplasty. The right procedure for you depends on the amount of loose skin you have. 

A belt lipectomy also called a lower body lift, combines a tummy tuck with other procedures. So, it’s a more extensive surgery with multiple elements, such as a thigh lift and a buttock lift. A lower body lift aims to maximise results following massive weight loss.  

What are the Key Differences Between a Belt Lipectomy and Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck solely focuses on the abdomen. Even with an extended tummy tuck, there will only be an incision on your front. In comparison, a belt lipectomy involves making a 360-degree incision around the waist to remove excess skin from the abdomen, thighs, hips, and buttocks. 

It’s common for both procedures to be performed alongside liposuction to help remove stubborn pockets of fat. This means that you can address excess skin and fat during one surgery rather than having multiple recovery periods. 

Another way to differentiate the two procedures is to look at when each surgery would be used. For example, if you have lost a massive amount of weight and have trouble areas on your abdomen and lower body, a belt lipectomy would be more suitable. But if you’re solely concerned with your abdomen, you would likely go down the route of a tummy tuck. 

How Do You Know Which Procedure is Right for You?

When deciding which procedure is right for you, your surgeon will discuss the following with you:

  • Goals and expectations 
  • Location of trouble spots
  • Your weight loss journey 

If your primary area of concern is your abdomen, then a tummy tuck makes sense. However, if you have multiple trouble areas, then you may need to discuss a belt lipectomy. Sitting down with an experienced plastic surgeon is key to making the right choice. They can guide you on the most suitable procedure for your needs and how to make the most out of the treatment. 

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