What is Subcision for Cellulite?

Cellulite is one of the top cosmetic issues faced by people of all shapes, sizes, and ages. If you have cellulite, you are not alone. Having cellulite doesn’t mean that you’re overweight. Even people with low BMI can have cellulite. It can be tough to improve cellulite, especially with many treatments that over-promise results. Keep reading to find out how subcision for cellulite could help improve the appearance of cellulite. 

What is Cellulite and What Causes it? 

Cellulite is a common condition that’s harmless. It causes lumpy or dimpled flesh on thighs, hips, buttocks, and stomach. The condition is most common in women, but it can affect both men and women. 

Similar to the progression of ageing, cellulite develops in stages. It starts by being visible when you pinch the skin, and you see wrinkles. Then, dimples start to appear, and then cellulite becomes more visible. The final stage means that the cellulite is more noticeable, and in some cases, painful. 

Cellulite is caused by a buildup of fat underneath the skin. Little is known about the precise cause of cellulite, but it appears to result from an interaction between the skin and fat. Factors that play a role in cellulite forming include genetics, age, gender, dietary and lifestyle choices. Weight gain can make cellulite more noticeable, but lean people can also experience it.  

How Does Subcision for Cellulite Work?

Research from the International Journal of Dermatology shows that people with level 2 or 3 stages of cellulite may only benefit from subcision surgery. 

Subcision is a minimally invasive procedure that works to release the tension that causes cellulite. It does this by cutting the fibrous bands beneath the skin. Your surgeon will use local anaesthesia and a special needle to cut the bands. After cutting the bands, the subcutaneous fat is redistributed to smooth out the surface. During the procedure, patients may benefit from fat transfer at the same time. This is when you use the patient’s own fat and tissue to smooth out pockets of fat and improve the skin’s surface. 

Many patients return to normal activities the same day as the procedure. You can restart more vigorous activity after 1 week. In the first few days, it’s normal to experience some slight bruising and pain, but this will resolve on its own. 

What are the Benefits of Subcision for Cellulite?

Subcision is considered one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite. As the procedure is minimal, the soreness, bruising, and any pain is mild and resolves quickly. Most patients experience limited downtime and a speedy recovery. 

If you struggle with cellulite and find that it doesn’t respond to a healthy diet and exercise, a subcision procedure may be suitable. To improve your skin’s appearance, schedule a consultation today with Dr. Riaz Agha to take the first step towards smoother skin. 

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