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What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Nowadays, hyaluronic acid (HA) seems to be in everything from skincare to injectables. The buzz around HA is clear, with it now being one of the most in-demand ingredients for skincare products. But, what is hyaluronic acid, and why is it so popular? 

What is Hyaluronic Acid Exactly?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a sugar naturally found in the skin. It holds onto water and keeps the skin looking plump, so you can see why it’s become a popular ingredient for good skin health. The sugar molecule occurs naturally in the skin and helps to bind water to collagen. You can find HA in the body in several areas, including the skin, eyes, and synovial fluid in the joints. 

Like elastin and collagen, your HA levels decrease as you age. Things like sun exposure, tobacco smoke and pollution can lower the amount of HA in the skin. Because collagen and HA play a role in keeping your skin looking younger for longer, it’s essential to wear sunscreen year-round to protect your skin from UV rays. 

What Does Hyaluronic Acid Do?

Hydraulic acid is one of the most remarkable substances due to its benefits for the body. Here are some hyaluronic acid benefits:

  • Boost joint health: One of the main reasons why hyaluronic acid is prescribed is because it helps joints work well. The substances help prevent injury and pain from bones grinding against each other.
  • Keeps things hydrated: The substance is very good at helping retain water. A quarter teaspoon of hyaluronic acid taken orally or in any other form can help hold about a gallon of water. Because of that, HA is used to treat conditions like dry eyes. It is also added to moisturising lotions, creams, serum and ointments.
  • Keeps the skin healthy: HA helps the skin flex and stretch, thus reducing fine lines and wrinkles. For that reason, you can find HA in many anti-ageing treatments. It has also been proven to speed up wound healing and reduce scarring.

Hyaluronic Acid for Skincare      

The HA in skincare and beauty products is primarily made in the lab. When used in lotions and skin care products, the central role of hyaluronic acid is to bring moisture to the skin’s surface. If you check the labels of your current skincare products, the chances are that you’re already using a lotion with hyaluronic acid. 

As a topical lotion you put onto your skin, HA helps to create a dewy, hydrated complexion. It’s helpful in helping your skin appear smoother and younger and improving skin elasticity. As we age, collagen and HA levels drop. But even harsh weather and underlying skin conditions can cause changes in your skin. That’s why creating a skincare routine that moisturises and hydrates is so important.

Types of Hyaluronic Acid for Skincare

HA comes in different types. They include:

  • Hydrolysed hyaluronic acid: This is HA that has been broken down into small elements that can penetrate the skin. It’s used in moisturising products. However, it’s not the best option for moisturising and is therefore suitable for people with oily skin or combination skin. 
  • Sodium hyaluronate: This type penetrates deeper into the skin, delivering impressive results. The results are not, however, long-lasting. Because of that, sodium hyaluronate is used in products meant for people with normal skin.
  • Sodium acetylated hyaluronate: This one has the same benefits as sodium hyaluronate but has more long-lasting results. It is used in serums meant for people with dry skin, those who live in dry regions or anyone looking for a product to use during the dry winter months. 

Profhilo: Hyaluronic Acid Injections 

Another way hyaluronic acid is being used within the beauty world is in injectables. Profhilo is a hyaluronic acid injectable gel that delivers the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid. The injectable treatment uses patented technology to provide safe and effective results. The benefits of Profhilo include: 

  • Improve hydration and radiance 
  • Boost texture and tone 
  • Add volume 
  • Increase firmness
  • Promote younger-looking skin 
  • Improve wrinkles and fine lines 

Profhilo is the next generation of skincare promoting healthy skin in a clinical setting. With Profhilo, the practitioner injects very small amounts over the face. Profhilo works by stimulating your body’s natural collagen and elastin production instead of adding volume, like fillers. To be effective, you will likely need to go back for two or more top-up sessions as results take about two weeks to show. 

You often see hyaluronic acid paired alongside other ingredients like peels, retinol, and vitamins. There’s a reason that HA is such a popular ingredient for keeping skin hydrated and full of moisture. Picking the right product for you can be tricky, which is why it’s so important to align your skincare products with your skin type. 

What Are the Possible Side Effects and Risks of Hydraulic Acid?

Generally, HA found in supplements, injections, and topical products is safe if you follow the usage instructions. The substance may, however, produce adverse side effects or allergic reactions in some people. That’s why it is advisable to test patch any product you buy.

People who use hyaluronic acid fillers may experience side effects like pain, itching, redness, swelling and bruising. Usually, these go away in a day or two. Most of the time, the side effects occur due to the injection process rather than the hydraulic acid.  

What about the risks? As the body naturally produces hydraulic acid, the substance rarely has any severe risks. However, if you have a history of allergic reactions like anaphylaxis, you should be very careful when using products with hydraulic acid or hydraulic acid injections.

Research on the risks of using HA when pregnant or breastfeeding is still inconclusive. So, pregnant and breastfeeding women may want to avoid HA products during those periods. 

HA is naturally occurring and has many benefits, like helping the body retain moisture and lubricating the joints. It also plays a vital role in wound healing by redirecting blood flow to the damaged area and controlling inflammation. Our bodies naturally produce hydraulic acid, which may reduce with age leading to physical signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines and age-related medical conditions like arthritis.

Contact a specialist today at the Harley Clinic to talk about medical-grade skincare range and anti-ageing treatments.  

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