woman smiling

Nose Job Recovery: 8 Things to Avoid After Rhinoplasty

If you’re considering rhinoplasty, you’re looking for a natural result that is in no way artificial-looking. While it’s essential to choose the right plastic surgeon for the procedure, it’s also a good idea to prepare for your nose job recovery.There’s a reason why rhinoplasty is such a popular cosmetic procedure. The nose is central to the face and has a powerful impact on the overall look and balance of your face. Small changes to the nose can result in massive changes to the way you look and feel. In this article, we dive into 8 things you need to avoid after rhinoplasty to optimise your recovery time.  

How Long is Nose Job Recovery? 

Your nose job recovery takes place over several weeks. Initially, you will likely need about 2 weeks off work. This is the time when you will feel like you need to rest and take it easy. Although you should be feeling back to your normal self after about 6 weeks, it can take several months for you to see the final result. It takes a while for all the swelling to go down. So, although you can see the general look of your new nose, there will be some swelling, so it may look bigger than it will be at the end of the healing process

Most patients can expect to have a bandage or splint on the nose for about a week. The dressing and stitches are all there to protect your new nose and keep it happy and in place during your recovery. While it may take up to a year to fully recover from a nose job, it’s the first few weeks where it has the most noticeable impact on your life. It’s a key time for following good habits and creating the best result possible from your procedure. 

What Foods to Avoid After Rhinoplasty?

Your rhinoplasty aftercare is a crucial part of getting the results you want. The same really applies to most procedures. Whether you’re getting a breast augmentation or liposuction, what you do after your surgery is so important. 

In the early part of your recovery, you want to eat foods that are easy to chew and soft. The stress of surgery can also be a little heavy on the stomach, so eating softer and more nutritious foods is a great place to start. Consider foods like yoghurt, soup, porridge, and scrambled eggs. As the weeks go on, begin to introduce your normal diet into your routine.

If you find that it’s uncomfortable to eat harder foods, stick to softer options for the time being. But you should wait at least 1 week before eating hard foods. Other foods to avoid during your nose job recovery include: 

  • Alcohol – slows recovery and hinders the healing process. 
  • High-sodium foods – salt can contribute to any swelling 
  • Spicy foods – not the best choice following surgery. Wait a week before these types of foods. 

Nose Job Recovery: 8 Things to Avoid After Rhinoplasty to Maximise Results 

Following a nose job, you will need to adjust your daily routine while recovering. It’s important that you rest and let your body heal. The recovery time is crucial to achieving great results. While each person recovers at a different rate, you can have a smoother recovery time by avoiding certain activities. 

Rhinoplasty recovery / nose job recovery

1. Blowing Your Nose 

It may sound like an obvious one, but don’t blow your nose. Although allergies, flu, and colds are difficult to deal with, try to avoid anyone you think may be ill in the run-up to your operation. Practice good hygiene and take hand sanitiser with you. If you blow your nose, it can disrupt the healing. Also, if you find yourself sniffling before your surgery, it will likely delay the procedure. 

2. Wearing Glasses

If you usually wear glasses, you will need to wear contact lenses during your rhinoplasty recovery. Glasses rest on the bridge of the nose and can impact your healing and even lead to indents in the softened tissue or cartilage. 

3. Taking a Shower 

For those that love a shower in the morning, you will need to switch up your washing routine temporarily. Because the nose needs to be kept dry, it’s important that you avoid taking a shower. You can still wash your body and parts of the face; just keep the nose area dry. 

4. Being Out in the Sun 

Even if your bandages have been removed, your nose and any scars are still very sensitive to the sun. As much as it’s tempting to take a walk in the sunshine with your new nose, avoid exposing the nose skin to the sun as it could lead to discolouration. Wear sunscreen or a hat to cover up the nose. 

5. Touching Your Nose 

Avoid touching your nose. Although it can be tempting to investigate your new nose, try to resist the urge to take a peak or touch the area. Not only will touching or bumping the area likely hurt, but you run the risk of affecting the final result. Keep your nose safe by avoiding any activities that could end up with an accidental nose bump. 

6. Lying Flat on Your Back 

While it can be comfortable to lie on your back, when the head and heart are on the same level, it can increase blood flow to the face. This means that it could increase swelling and promote bleeding. Try sleeping in a reclining chair at an angle or prop a pillow under your head so that you’re not lying flat on your back. 

7. Drinking Alcohol and Smoking 

Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking during your rhinoplasty recovery as it can hinder the process and increase the risk of postoperative complications. 

8. Wearing Makeup 

While it can be tempting to wear makeup to cover some post-surgical bruising, avoid putting makeup on healing skin. Your surgeon will tell you when you can wear makeup. 

After your rhinoplasty surgery, your surgeon will send you home with instructions and guidelines to follow for an optimal recovery time. It’s crucial that you follow the guidelines. If you have any concerns with your healing or nose job recovery, contact your surgeon straight away for advice.

Book a consultation today at the Harley Clinic London. 

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