How To Prepare For Vaser Liposuction At The Harley Clinic

Vaser liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure. It targets fat deposits under the skin. The procedure uses ultrasound technology to break down fat cells for easier removal. It is minimally invasive, and you’ll be in and out of the hospital the same day. Before you go in for Vaser liposuction, it’s important that you know how to prepare for the procedure. 

What is Vaser Liposuction?

Vaser lipo is a liposuction procedure that uses ultrasound technology to break down fat cells. Because of that, there is minimal damage to the surrounding tissue, unlike traditional liposuction. Excess fat is melted and then removed with a tiny tube known as a cannula through an incision that the doctor will make.

The incisions are small, usually around 3mm, thus eliminating the need for stitches. Vaser liposuction is mainly used to target fat on the ankles, knees, calf muscles, armpits, bingo wings, neck, chin, thighs, enlarged male breasts, the bum, upper back, abdomen, and flanks.

Before and After Vaser Liposuction 

Gynaecomastia (man boobs) and Vaser liposuction - before and after

Why Should You Consider Vaser Liposuction?

Vaser liposuction is minimally invasive and is a minimally invasive way to get rid of excess fat compared to traditional liposuction. The procedure is more selective when it comes to the targeted cells and can work without damaging the surrounding tissues and cells.

One of the reasons it is a popular procedure in the UK is because it can target specific areas of fat that most people struggle to shift, like bingo arms and love handles. Other reasons to consider Vaser liposuction over traditional liposuction include:

Fast Recovery 

Because Vaser liposuction is minimally invasive, the recovery is also faster. Patients, therefore, don’t require much downtime, with most people going back to work and other light activities 2 to 3 days after the procedure. 

Less Cell Damage

Traditional liposuction is usually invasive and can damage nerves, vessels and other tissue surrounding the treatment area. Vaser liposuction uses gentle waves that cause less harm to the surrounding tissue than the probe used in traditional liposuction. 

Multiple Areas

Vaser liposuction can target multiple areas where you have stubborn fat. 

Before and after thigh Vaser liposuction at the Harley Clinic

What To Expect During Vaser Liposuction 

You’re a suitable candidate for Vaser liposuction if you follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and have stubborn fat deposits. Your doctor will put you under general anaesthesia or conscious sedation. A saline solution is then injected into the target area. 

Sometimes your surgeon will use a tumescent fluid mixed with an anaesthetic. Ultrasound probes are then inserted into the skin to break up the fatty cells. The ultrasound breaks down the fat, and it’s then suctioned out of the body. 

5 Ways To Prepare For Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction is a unique procedure allowing gentle and precise fat removal. Your surgeon removes the fatty tissue without damaging the healthy underlying tissue. As a result, Vaser liposuction has gained a lot of popularity when it comes to body sculpting. Before you go in for a procedure, here are five ways to prepare for it.

1. Talk To Your Doctor

If you’ve decided that you want Vaser liposuction, go ahead and schedule a consultation. You will discuss your medical history and expectations for the procedure. The doctor will also ask you about your current health and weight. Be as open and honest as possible, as it will influence the procedure’s outcome. 

2. Follow All the Pre-Operative Instructions

After the consultation, your doctor will give you some post-operative directives. These directives will include avoiding smoking or drinking for a few weeks. You will also need to avoid certain medications and supplements. 

Medications you need to avoid include aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and ibuprofen. Others are herbal supplements and certain birth control medications. 

3. Plan For the Surgery

Make sure that you have the right environment for your recovery. This means completing any pressing work or household tasks. You also need to make travel arrangements to get home after the procedure. Also, find someone to stay with you for the first few days as you recover.

4. Stock Up on Your Recovery Supplies

Your surgeon will give you a list of supplies you need to support your Vaser liposuction recovery. Cold packs and moisturisers will come in handy. Have items like snacks, a laptop, a phone, and anything else you may need within reaching distance.  

5. Prepare Your Body

For the best results, you must maintain a stable weight. Avoid diets that may cause you to lose a significant amount of weight. A few weeks after your procedure, continue exercising and following a healthy diet. 

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Vaser Liposuction?

Vaser liposuction is an outpatient procedure, and you can go home the same day. Because the procedure is minimally invasive, it can take 2 to 3 days before you feel normal to resume regular activities. Recovery varies from person to person and highly depends on the areas treated and how much fat had to be removed. Your surgeon will guide what to expect during the recovery.

A few days following the procedure, you might notice fluid leaking from the incision sites. This is perfectly normal and should resolve after a few days. As for the pain, it is usually minimal, with most people not requiring strong painkillers. There will be some swelling which should go down over the next 5 to 6 weeks, and you may also experience numbness and bruising. 

Your doctor will ask you to avoid any heavy lifting for 2 to 3 weeks to allow your body to heal fully. Depending on which areas were treated, you may also need to wear a compression garment to facilitate healing and reduce swelling.

Expected Results After Vaser Liposuction 

The best thing about Vaser liposuction is that results are almost instant but become more noticeable over the next few days. One of the reasons you can see your results immediately is because the procedure is less invasive and doesn’t affect the surrounding tissue. Because of that, you don’t need to wait for areas to heal to see the results. However, there will be some swelling, which can mask the results.

Results can be seen fully after 2 to 3 months once the swelling has gone down. In 6 months, your skin will have fully tightened over the area, and you can enjoy the results of the procedure fully. The procedure is not permanent, and though it targets stubborn fat, if you gain weight, this fat may come back. To maintain permanent results, ensure you live a healthy lifestyle.

Vaser Liposuction, London at The Harley Street Clinic

Vaser liposuction is minimally invasive, but you must prepare for it. Do your research to determine if the procedure is right for you. Ask your doctor as many questions as you need. You can even ask to see their before and after Vaser liposuction photos of past patients before settling on the doctor. 

Though minimally invasive, the procedure still comes with risks, which your doctor will explain. The results of Vaser liposuction can be seen soon after the procedure, but you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle for them to remain permanent.

So, if you are considering Vaser liposuction, speak to a specialist at our Harley Street cosmetic surgery clinic. They will explain more about the procedure and determine whether you are a good candidate for it or other body sculpting procedures. Book an appointment today and start your liposuction journey with us.

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