How Much Fat Can You Remove Safely With Vaser Liposuction?

If you’re thinking about Vaser liposuction, it’s normal to have questions about the procedure. The treatment sculpts the body by eliminating stubborn fat deposits. It’s only natural that you will want to know how much fat can you safely remove with Vaser liposuction? 

What is Vaser Lipo? 

Vaser liposuction is short for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance liposuction. It has grown in popularity, and more people are opting for the procedure. Unlike traditional liposuction, Vaser liposuction uses ultrasonic probes. The probes generate ultrasonic frequencies that loosen the fat tissues.

You can use Vaser liposuction on different areas of the body like: 

  • Arms 
  • Stomach 
  • Chin 
  • Legs 
  • Hips 
  • Knees
  • Back 

How Does Vaser Lipo Work?

The doctor will inject a saline solution and a general anaesthetic in the area through small incisions to numb the area and shrink the blood vessels. The Vaser ultrasound transmits sound energy that emulsifies the fat. This happens without damaging the surrounding tissues. The emulsified fat is suctioned out. The area is then sculpted using cannulas.

Before and After Vaser Liposuction 

before and after vaser liposuction, fully tummy tuck, and thigh lift

What is the Difference Between Vaser Lipo and Liposuction? 

Both types of liposuction remove fat from the body. But the way they do that is what makes them different. Traditional liposuction uses a back and forth motion to break up fat cells using a cannula. This action dislodges the fat and then suction is used to remove it. 

Vaser lipo uses ultrasound technology to liquefy the fat and then remove it. It means that Vaser liposuction is less invasive and produces less bruising than traditional liposuction. For more information, read our quick guide on how to choose between Vaser liposuction and traditional liposuction

How Much Fat Can You Safely Remove with Vaser Liposuction?

Vaser liposuction targets fat on the arms, chin, neck, upper back, or chest. Other areas include the waistline, stomach, hips, thighs, and buttocks. You may want to get rid of as much fat as you can during your session. But there are limitations on the amount of fat you can safely remove in one session. 

The amount of fat you remove will vary from one person to another. How much fat the doctor removes will depend on your health status. Your body fat percentage and your body weight also factor into the amount you can remove. During the procedure, the use of local anaesthetic is also limited per session. These limitations ensure that you come out with the best results. It also means that you go home healthy. 

It’s advisable not to have more than 3 to 5 litres of fat or 4-5% of your body weight removed per session. If you still need more fat removed, usually, you will have to go for another treatment session after about five to six weeks. Overly aggressive fat removal can lead to serious health issues. It may also cause contour irregularities that are almost impossible to correct.

Vaser liposuction takes place in a single session. Instead of aggressive fat removal, post-treatment touch-ups will work. Touch-ups usually begin about six months after the liposuction session. Touch-up sessions are not complex and don’t take too long. If you need touch-ups in many areas, you may need to go for two sessions every four months.

Liposuction Fat Removal 

As Vaser liposuction is minimally invasive, it typically can’t remove as much fat in one session as traditional liposuction. Traditional liposuction is the most invasive form of liposuction. It’s performed under general anaesthetic and you can usually remove large amounts of fat in one session. However, you can use Vaser liposuction to add definition. 

Abdominal etching uses Vaser liposuction to fine-tune the abdomen and create definition. By removing unwanted pockets of fat from the abdomen with precision, you can create a more defined and muscular-looking stomach. 

Skin Quality and Vaser Liposuction 

Your skin quality will play a role in determining if you’re a suitable candidate for Vaser liposuction. When you remove fat, your skin should retract so as to not create excess skin in those areas. But if you don’t have a lot of skin elasticity, your doctor could remove fat and you may be unhappy with extra skin in those areas instead of loving your new results. 

Most patients who undergo Vaser liposuction have good skin elasticity. This means that the skin does snap back into place. If your doctor thinks you may be at risk of having loose skin after Vaser liposuction, they may suggest another procedure or recommend combining Vaser lipo with a tummy tuck

Dr Riaz Agha talks about the importance of skin quality in plastic surgery in more detail in the video below. 

Choosing Your Vaser Liposuction Plastic Surgeon 

Vaser liposuction is less invasive, and you will be going home the very same day. It is important that a healthy amount of fat is removed during the procedure. Touch-ups can follow up if necessary. After the procedure, make sure that you maintain the results with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Any extra weight gain afterwards will distribute evenly in the sculpted areas. 

Like any cosmetic procedure, Vaser liposuction is not a weight-loss tool. It’s a way to target stubborn fat that’s stopped responding to diet and exercise alone. If you’re considering plastic surgery, speak to an expert plastic surgeon who can guide you to the right procedure. They will talk about your options and recommend the best approach to help you achieve your goals. 

The most important decision you have to make with any cosmetic treatment is your plastic surgeon. It’s vital that you find someone with proven results and expert knowledge so that you feel confident during the procedure, Vaser liposuction recovery, and the final outcome. 

Book a consultation today at The Harley Clinic London 

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