Which Type of Liposuction is Best?

Sometimes body fat is stubborn. Even after exercising and following a healthy diet, sometimes it just doesn’t budge. When fat isn’t responding to diet and exercise, it can be very frustrating and can impact your confidence and self-esteem. Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that can remove unwanted fat and improve the contours of the body. But which type of liposuction is best? Keep reading to find out more. 

What is Liposuction? 

Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures around the world for both men and women. Liposuction is a procedure to remove unwanted and stubborn body fat that’s stopped responding to diet and exercise. 

What are the Different Types of Liposuction Techniques?

There’s a surprising amount of types of liposuction. Advances in technology mean that new liposuction techniques have emerged over the years. Some of the most common areas for liposuction are:

  • Tummy
  • Legs
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Hips 
  • Chin 
  • Buttocks 
  • Neck 

Let’s take a look at the different types of liposuction and what they involve. 

Suction-Assisted Liposuction 

Suction-assisted male liposuction is the traditional form of liposuction. This is probably the liposuction you think of first. During this procedure, your surgeon makes small incisions and then uses a small cannula to suction out the fat cells. Your surgeon breaks up the fat using the cannula and then uses the suction to remove the fat cells. 

Liposuction Before and After

360 Male abdominal liposuction at the Harley Clinic

Chin Liposuction 

Chin, jawline, and neck liposuction before and after, the Harley Clinic London

Vaser Liposuction 

Vaser liposuction is one of the most popular, less invasive forms of liposuction. It uses local anaesthetic and is performed in a walk-in walk-out session. The fat is liquified using ultrasound and then removed using a needle. The heat generated from the ultrasound breaks up the fat cells so your surgeon can extract them more easily. 

The ultrasound energy encourages the skin to retract more quickly for optimal recovery following the procedure. Vaser liposuction is a less invasive form of liposuction and, naturally, produces less bruising and swelling than traditional liposuction. While you still need to take some time to recover after Vaser lipo, the recovery is quicker than traditional liposuction. 

If you want to find out more about the difference between the two types of liposuction, we’ve pulled together a quick guide on how to decide between traditional and Vaser liposuction

Vaser Liposuction UK Before and After 

Before and after thigh Vaser liposuction at the Harley Clinic

Liposuction to Arms Before and After 

Abdomen and arm liposuction before and after at The Harley Clinic

Laser-Assisted Liposuction 

Laser-assisted liposuction uses a laser to break down the fat into liquid fat to remove it through a cannula. The body will reabsorb any liquid fat that isn’t removed. It works by using laser energy to melt fat and tighten skin. 

With laser-assisted liposuction, there is a risk of thermal injury or burns. It’s very important that you choose a skilled plastic surgeon. Laser-assisted liposuction is one of the newer types of liposuction. Using a laser can make the procedure less intensive for your surgeon, but it does introduce the risk of skin burns and other potential complications. 

Tumescent Liposuction 

This liposuction technique is similar to traditional liposuction but injects dilute local anaesthetic to the areas being treated. The idea is that the anaesthetic causes the site to swell, making the fat easier to remove. 

High Definition Liposuction 

High definition liposuction is a specific type of liposuction like abdominal etching. This type of procedure focuses on enhancing the muscle definition through selective liposuction and fat grafting.  

For those looking for a shredded appearance, high definition liposuction could be a great option. It’s considered an advanced body contouring technique to really enhance muscle definition. With high definition liposuction, your surgeon will use ultrasound technology like Vaser liposuction but will target the fat deposits specifically around the muscles. 

Power-Assisted Liposuction 

Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) refers to a liposuction technique that uses a cannula with a vibrating tip. The vibrating tip helps to break down fat more quickly. In comparison to suction-assisted liposuction in which you need to move the cannula manually, PAL is more efficient. 

You can use power-assisted liposuction on its own or combine it with a procedure like Vaser liposuction. Similar to all other types of liposuction, you can use power-assisted lipo on various body areas like the abdomen, arms, and thighs. 

Liposuction Recovery Time 

Your liposuction recovery time will depend on the type of liposuction you have and the amount of fat removed from the body. With all types of liposuction, you will likely wear a compression garment or compression bandages after to support recovery. It’s normal to feel sore and uncomfortable after. 

You can expect your liposuction recovery to take between 4 to 6 weeks. However, with Vaser liposuction in a small area, you could resume normal activities within a week. For more extensive liposuction, you may need several weeks to recover. 

Liposuction Q & A

Is There a Non-Surgical Alternative to Liposuction?

If you’re considering liposuction, no doubt you’ve been hitting Google to get a good understanding of your options. Naturally, if you’re thinking about liposuction, you may be interested in non-surgical liposuction alternatives. 

An important question is: can you remove fat without surgery? One option is fat-dissolving injections known as Aqualyx. It’s a non-invasive treatment that can target small pockets of stubborn fat throughout the body in places like under the chin, thighs, tummy, under your bra strap and more. 

Aqualyx is an excellent alternative to liposuction, but it’s ideal for targeting small pockets of fat. So, it could be a suitable option for you if you’re not looking to remove a ton of fat. If you don’t want surgery and don’t have a lot of fat to remove, Aqualyx could be a suitable treatment. 

How Much Fat Can You Lose with Liposuction?

It’s normal to wonder how much weight can you lose with liposuction? Remember that liposuction isn’t a weight-loss tool. The procedure isn’t designed for you to lose weight; instead, it’s a tool to contour the body. You need to be at a healthy and stable weight before the surgery. 

Depending on the type of liposuction you have, the amount of fat removed can differ. Ultimately, it’s not recommended to remove more than 4/5L of fat at a time as the more fat you remove in a single procedure, the higher the risk of complications. 

Which type of lipo removes the most fat?

Tumescent liposuction works well for most areas of the body, including areas like the stomach, thighs, and flanks that tend to carry a lot of fat. Most types of liposuction can remove fat enough to improve the contours of the body. Power-assisted or suction-assisted liposuction may be a good option if you have a large amount of fat to remove. 

What type of liposuction has the highest complication rate?

Complications in liposuction are relatively uncommon when compared to other procedures. However, every cosmetic surgery is often associated with the risk of different complications. The overall complication rate of liposuction is low. 

What is the latest type of liposuction?

One of the newer types of liposuction is laser-assisted liposuction. It represents the outcome of the vast advancements in the liposuction procedure. Laser-assisted lipo utilises laser technology to liquidity fat in order to remove it through a cannula. Although minimally invasive, it exposes you to the risk of thermal injury or burns. Therefore, it is recommended that you identify the most skilled plastic surgeon in the area and go through adequate consultation. Vaser lipo is also one of the newer types of lipo that uses ultrasound technology to break up fat. 

Before and after revision abdominoplasty and VASER liposuction, The Harley Clinic

What is the downside of liposuction?

The downside of liposuction is that it’s a surgical procedure which comes with risks. Similar to other cosmetic surgeries, liposuction creates the risk of developing complications such as the following:

  • Infections
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Bleeding
  • Contour irregularities
  • Poor wound healing, which would result in scarring

What type of liposuction is most effective?

When done right, all types of liposuction are usually effective. However, each liposuction patient often wants results specific to their desires. Therefore, what may be most effective to you may not be most effective to another individual. You should consult your plastic surgeon, who will help you settle on the most effective lipo based on what you want. Some of the most popular types of lipo include traditional lipo and Vaser liposuction. Traditional lipo is considered effective in removing fat cells and tightening the skin.

What is the best alternative to liposuction?

Although traditional lipo is considered effective, there are alternatives that you can opt for when considering liposuction, but there is a limit on the results they can produce. There are non-surgical alternatives to liposuction such as Aqualyx fat-dissolving injections. Keep in mind that non-invasive treatments will not do the same as liposuction. 

What is the least invasive form of liposuction?

Vaser liposuction is considered one of the most popular, minimally invasive types of liposuction. It involves the use of ultrasound technology to eliminate small stubborn fats in the body. Once the fats have been broken down, a cannula is used to remove the broken fats. The recovery period of Vaser lipo is usually shorter compared to other types of liposuction.

Although it is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed in the UK, liposuction is an effective procedure; therefore, knowing the best type for you before it is vital. 

Which is the Best Type of Liposuction for You?

So, what is the best type of liposuction? Well, the answer to this question really depends on a few different factors. There is no one perfect answer for everyone. Modern liposuction advances and techniques are generally considered safe and effective. Factors that influence the right type of liposuction for you include: 

  • The area of the body 
  • The amount of fat you want to be removed 
  • Your pain tolerance 
  • How much time you have to recover 

The bottom line is that it’s the surgeon that matters the most, rather than the type of liposuction. This is because the right plastic surgeon will not only guide you on your decision but have expert skills and qualifications to produce optimum results. 

The most critical factor in achieving great results is your surgeon. A skilled surgeon should never pressure you into making a decision and only provide the most up to date advice to guide you on your journey. 

Want to find out how to get the best liposuction outcome? Read another great article here on the Harley Clinic Cosmetic Surgery blog

The Importance of Skin Quality in Liposuction 

No matter what liposuction technique you and your plastic surgeon choose, skin quality is important for a great outcome. Liposuction will remove fat from certain areas of the body and when that happens, your skin needs to contract to reveal your new contours. If you have poor skin quality, you could end up with loose skin in the operated areas. 

Dr Riaz Agha explains the importance of skin quality in cosmetic procedures in more detail in the video below. 

Liposuction Consultation 

During your cosmetic surgery consultation, you will talk to your plastic surgeon about your concerns, expectations, health and more. It’s important that you go into the consultation with complete honesty so that your doctor can give the best and safest advice possible. You may think you need traditional liposuction, but your doctor may suggest a different route. 

Keep an open mind and make sure that you ask any questions to make the right choice for yourself. 

Here are some questions to ask your plastic surgeon during your consultation: 

  • How much does liposuction cost?
  • What is your experience with my procedure? 
  • Can I see photos of previous patients? 
  • What liposuction scarring will I have?
  • Am I a good candidate for liposuction?  

Liposuction UK at The Harley Clinic 

If you have stubborn fat that has stopped responding to diet and exercise, you may be thinking about liposuction. To find out if you’re a suitable candidate for liposuction and discuss your options with an expert liposuction surgeon, please contact one of the team at the Harley Clinic today. 

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