Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation: How Many Cup Sizes Can You Increase?

If you’re looking for a way to enhance your breast size without implants, have you considered fat transfer breast augmentation? For patients thinking about undergoing breast fat transfer, it’s normal to ask how big of a cup size increase you can expect. The size of your breast increase depends on several factors; here’s what you need to know. 

What is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentaion? 

Breast fat transfer uses the patient’s own fat to increase breast size without the use of implants. The procedure is split into different stages. First, your plastic surgeon will remove fat from one part of the body. The fat is then processed so that it’s ready to be injected. The final stage is where the fat is injected back into the breasts. So, liposuction and fat injection are the key phases of fat transfer. 

Breast augmentation via fat transfer 5 months post op at The Harley Clinic, London

There are several benefits to fat transfer breast augmentation like: 

  • No implants 
  • Natural-looking results 
  • No chance of allergic reaction as using your own fat 
  • Target stubborn fat at the same time 

Fat transfer, fat grafting, or lipofilling is a popular approach to adding fullness and volume to the body. The benefit of using fat transfer for breast enlargement is that it involves some liposuction. So, you can target stubborn fat at the same time. The amount of fat removed will depend on the fat you have available as well as the size increase you’re trying to achieve. 

How Many Cup Sizes Can You Go Up with Breast Fat Transfer?

The size increase of a breast fat transfer depends on a few different factors. While you can generalise a natural increase in size, it’s challenging to say the precise increase you will receive without examining the individual patient. 

How to Determine Your Breast Size Increase with Fat Transfer 

The size of the breast increase with fat transfer and can vary from patient to patient. Here are the factors that influence the size of the increase. 

Your Current Size

With fat transfer surgery, you take fat from one area of the body and inject it into another. This means that you need some fat on your body. So, the first factor that influences your final result is your current body size. How much fat do you have? Your current breast size and shape and your body size will factor into how much you can increase your breast size. 

Skin Laxity 

Another factor to think about is your skin laxity. Your skin’s ability to stretch is crucial. If your skin is too tight, it will limit the amount of fat you can inject into the breasts. So, the more skin laxity you have, the more fat you can inject. 

Desired Result 

The next point to discuss with your surgeon is the type of result you’re looking to achieve. If you want to increase your size by 1 cup and not use implants, then breast fat transfer is a suitable procedure. But if you’re looking for a more moderate size increase, your surgeon may recommend breast augmentation using breast implants. Be honest with yourself and with your plastic surgeon about what you truly want from the process. They will be able to guide you on the best procedure or combination of procedures and explain what is realistic for you. 

Experience and Expert Knowledge 

By combining the above factors with the knowledge, judgement, and experience of your plastic surgeon, they will guide you on your breast fat transfer journey. If you don’t have the right skin laxity or enough body fat for the procedure, then your surgeon will tell you what your options are, and you can make a decision based on all the facts. 

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before and After 

before and after fat transfer breast augmentation, the Harley Clinic London
before and after breast fat transfer at The Harley Clinic London

Breast Implants vs Breast Fat Transfer 

If you’re considering breast augmentation, you’re most likely researching either breast implants or fat transfer techniques. Naturally, a big difference between the two is that one uses your own fat, and the other uses implants. For someone looking for a sizable increase, breast implants may be more suitable. This is because you can only increase breast size with fat transfer a cup size or two. 

These two procedures aren’t your only options. You can combine a breast lift with breast implants or fat transfer. This is known as an augmentation-mastopexy. You also have the option to combine breast implants with fat transfer. This procedure is called hybrid breast augmentation. For someone who has little natural breast tissue, combining breast implants and fat transfer can help create excellent natural-looking results.  

Within the umbrella of breast surgery, there are various techniques and approaches your plastic surgeon may utilise. During your cosmetic surgery consultation, you will talk about your hopes, medical history and current health. From this, your plastic surgeon can recommend the safest approach to achieve the best results possible. The ideal candidate for breast fat transfer is:

  • At or close to your ideal body weight 
  • Not planning on losing any more weight 
  • Not have excessive sagging 
  • Not expecting a large increase in cup size 

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation UK 

Although fat transfer sounds like the newer sister to breast implants, the technique has actually been around for years. Fat transfer for use as a breast implant has been around for about 100 years. The combination of fat transfer and liposuction has been used for over 20 years.  

Fat transfer breast augmentation can restore volume and create a fuller-looking chest area. Plastic surgeons have been performing breast fat transfer for years as a popular alternative to breast implants. 

Breast fat transfer can create natural-looking results without the need for breast implants. With smaller incisions, the procedure leaves fewer scars. It can create a natural, more moderate bust. 

If you would like to start your breast fat transfer journey, book a consultation today at The Harley Clinic. Our Harley Street breast clinic has world-class facilities and uses the most up-to-date techniques to create the best results.  

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