What to Wear After Breast Reduction Surgery? cover

What to Wear After Breast Reduction Surgery

Post-operative care is essential for breast reduction surgery recovery. Following the procedure, you will be wearing a post-operative bra for several weeks after the gauze and bandages have been removed to help reduce swelling and keep the breasts in place. That’s why it’s crucial to know what to wear after breast reduction surgery and find out which types of garments can provide you with the support you need and help you heal faster. So that you know exactly what to look for in choosing the ideal breast reduction bra, let’s dive in.

Breast Reduction Surgery 101 

Breast reduction surgery (also known as a reduction mammoplasty) involves the removal of excess skin and tissue from the breasts. Many women with overly large breasts seek out breast reduction procedures to alleviate discomfort, back pain, and health risks associated with their condition. 

What to Wear After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction recovery is an essential part of achieving great results. Whether you’ve had breast augmentation, breast reconstruction with implants, or a reduction, you’ll be given a post-operative compression bra to wear after your procedure. Breast reduction bras support appropriate alignment and tissue conformity of the breasts.

How long does recovery take for a breast reduction? Watch this video below to learn more from Dr. Riaz Agha. 

Why Should You Wear a Post-Surgical Bra After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Here’s why it’s important to wear a post-surgical bra after breast reduction surgery:

  • Helps reduce swelling
  • Provides compression
  • Supports fast healing
  • Helps lessen post-surgical pain
  • Improves circulation
  • Reduces scarring
  • Minimizes risk of infection
  • Relieves the strain on incisions
  • Shields your breast from bumps

How To Choose a Post-Breast Reduction Bra During Recovery 

A bra will form an essential part of your recovery toolkit after breast reduction surgery. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when choosing what to wear after breast reduction surgery.

1. Avoid Bras with Underwires

Bras without wires are not only 100 times comfier but won’t irritate the area. Underwire can be uncomfortable, and it can painfully rub against the breast scars.

2. Choose Bras that are Easy to Adjust

Having the ability to tighten or loosen the straps to achieve a comfortable and secure fit is essential. Find one that complements your figure rather than trying to alter your shape to accommodate the bra. 

3. Find Good Support 

While you heal, find a bra that provides support and comfort to keep your breasts in place.

4. Look for High-Quality and Breathable Fabric

A breast reduction bra should be made from breathable fabrics. Breathable fabrics help to prevent skin itching and irritation and the danger of bacterial infections around the area.

5. Consider Bras with Front Closures

During your time of healing, front-closing bras will become your go-to garment. They’re comfortable to wear and remove without straining your muscles.

Bras with front closures are preferable since back closures require you to flex your arms, and this can stretch your sutures if you’re not careful.

Compression garments: What does a post surgery bra look like? The Harley Clinic London

How Tight Should a Post-Breast Reduction Surgery Bra Be?

A breast reduction bra should be snug but not tight and restrictive. You have to make sure that you are comfortable with the fit of your bra. Comfort is the best indicator of a well-fitting bra; while some pressure is to be expected, it should not be painful.

If you are considering breast reduction surgery, speak to an expert plastic surgeon at The Harley Clinic and book a consultation today.  

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