Thigh Lift: Procedure and Results

If you don’t like your thighs, it can take a toll on your confidence. When you have worked so hard to lose weight, being left with a lot of excess skin can damage your self-esteem. If you’re thinking about getting a thigh lift, here’s everything you need to know about the procedure and what kind of results you can expect. 

Thighs are often one of the most difficult areas to target naturally through diet and exercise. It’s challenging to tighten skin on the thighs, especially after losing a significant amount of weight. It’s entirely normal to have sagging skin after weight loss. 

What is a Thigh Lift?

As the name suggests, the objective of a thigh lift is to lift and tighten loose and sagging folds of skin in the thigh area. Sagging and excess skin can be caused by many factors, including genetics, weight loss, pregnancies, large weight gain or loss, and ageing. 

In cases where a large amount of skin is involved, liposuction alone is not enough to give the results you’re looking for. During a thigh lift, your surgeon will make an incision in the inner groin crease. Excess skin is removed along with any associated excess fat. The skin is then sutured together. The procedure involves skin excision and liposuction to create shapely thighs in proportion with the rest of the body.  

Potential risks of thigh lift surgery include but are not limited to:

  • Bleeding 
  • Poor wound healing 
  • Fluid collection 
  • Swelling 
  • Scarring 
  • Unevenness and bumps 

Different Types of Thigh Lifts

Within the umbrella term of thigh lift surgery, there are different types of thigh lifts that target certain areas. It’s common to have areas of the thigh that are notoriously difficult to tone up, like the inner thigh. 

Mini Thigh Lift 

A mini thigh lift uses fewer incisions than a full thigh lift. Typically there will be an incision in the groin area. This type of thigh lift focuses on the upper inner part of the thigh. Ideal candidates have a small amount of excess skin and fat. Although the results are less dramatic than a full thigh lift, recovery and scarring tend to be shorter.

Inner Thigh Lift (Medial Thigh Lift) 

An inner thigh lift focuses on the inside of the thigh. There are a few techniques for an inner thigh. The best solution depends on your concern. You can target the upper or lower portion of the inner thigh. You would usually have an incision starting at the groin, around the back of the thigh and, in some cases, down to the knee. 

Vertical Thigh Lift 

A vertical thigh lift targets a lot of excess skin in all parts of the thigh. It’s for patients with large amounts of excess skin. It does require larger incisions, so it’s recommended on a case-by-case basis. 

Outer Thigh Lift (Bilateral Thighplasty) 

The outer thigh lift addresses issues with the front outer parts of the thighs. This is a common area for fat deposits and excess skin to develop after significant weight loss, pregnancy, or weight changes. An outer thigh lift can involve a range of incision techniques. Typically, there will an incision around the groin that extends to the hip and lower back.  

What Results Can I Expect from Thigh Lift Surgery?

If you have gone through pretty big body transformations, you may find that your skin doesn’t quite bounce back the way it used to. It’s normal for skin to lose its suppleness and elasticity as you get older. 

A thigh lift can leave you with firmer, smoother, and younger-looking skin in the thigh area. By tightening loose skin and creating a more shapely body that’s in proportion, it can enhance the contours of your thighs. All this can boost your confidence, reduce the appearance of stretch marks, and increase the look of muscle definition. 

The ideal candidate understands the seriousness of the decision when choosing to undergo a thigh lift. They have reached their ideal body weight and maintained that weight for at least six months. The best candidate is a non-smoker who is in relatively good health, follows a healthy diet, and participates in regular exercise. 

Thigh Lift Before and After Photos UK 

Types of Liposuction: Vaser liposuction and thigh lift before and after at the Harley Clinic

Thigh Lift Scars 

After thigh lift surgery, you will have some scars. Over time, scars will fade. But any surgery that involves an incision will leave a scar. Your scar will depend on the type of thigh lift you have. Here’s what you can expect from a thigh lift scar: 

  • Mini thigh lift – a scar in the groin crease. 
  • Inner thigh lift – a scar from the groin crease to the buttocks. 
  • Outer thigh lift – the scar will sit in the crease of the groin and extend around the hips. 
  • Vertical thigh lift – T-shaped scar from the groin down the inner thigh. 

As you can see, most thigh lifts place incisions in areas that you won’t be able to see in underwear. The more extensive the thigh lift, the longer the incision and scarring. It’s normal for scars to fade over time. So, give your body time to heal. 

While some visible scars will remain, your plastic surgeon will do everything possible to keep them to a minimum. When your wounds are fully healed, your doctor may recommend using silicone strips to help scars become softer and paler.

What’s the Difference Between Liposuction and a Thigh Lift?

For many people, the thighs are a troublesome area. It’s common for thighs to be the target for liposuction. So what’s the difference between a thigh lift and liposuction? Liposuction is effective in getting rid of excessive fatty tissue. However, a thigh lift will get rid of excessive skin and some fat. So, depending on your situation, it will be more effective to have a thigh lift than liposuction alone. 

thigh liposuction 5 months post op at The Harley Clinic London

Neither treatments are a substitute for weight loss. To achieve the best results, you should be at your target weight goal. It’s normal to combine a thigh lift with another treatment for a whole lower body rejuvenation package.  A combination of treatments may help you achieve your desired look. This is why you need an expert plastic surgeon to guide you to determine the best route to take. 

Thigh Lift London at the Harley Clinic 

If you’re considering a thigh lift, book a consultation today at our Harley Street cosmetic surgery clinic to talk about your options. 

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