Clear skin

How to Care for Your Skin After a Facelift

A facelift is often one of the go-to treatments for ageing. It can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sun exposure, and stress on the skin. After a facelift, skincare is essential for both post-operative care and maintaining your results for the long term. 

How Long Does it Take for a Facelift to Fully Heal?

You will look a little worse for wear following your facelift, but don’t let that worry you. In general, in about 1 month, your facelift results will look good. The swelling, bruising, and numbness tends to last 1-2 weeks. Many patients head back to work after 2 weeks. You won’t be fully healed until about 6-8 weeks after your facelift. 

5 Ways to Care for Your Skin After a Facelift  

After your facelift, your surgeon will give you instructions on how to look after the skin. By taking care of your skin and following specific guidelines, you can begin to heal and create healthy skin habits that deliver long-lasting results. 

1. Don’t Rush to Wear Makeup 

Although it’s tempting to use makeup to cover up any bruising and redness after a facelift, avoid doing this. As you likely won’t be leaving the house for the first week, give your skin some time off and don’t reach for your makeup bag. Make sure you have no open wounds before applying any makeup. Stick to a lighter, mineral foundation that’s gentle on the skin while offering a good level of coverage. Don’t forget to remove your makeup every night as part of your skincare routine. 

2. Cleanse and Moisturise 

Cleansing and moisturising will form part of your daily skincare routine. Following your surgery, you will be wearing bandages for the first 24 hours. After this, it’s crucial that you wash the incisions with a mild antibacterial cleanser. Pat your face dry gently and moisturise to keep your skin clean, dry, and hydrated. Your surgeon may also give you an antibiotic ointment to apply. 

3. Stay Out of the Sun 

During the recovery timeline of a facelift, being out in the sunshine can be harmful. Direct sun exposure on the incisions can cause them to become darker permanently. It’s a good idea to stay out of the sun for at least 1 month following your surgery. After this, stick to good sun protection and use something light like the ZO Skin Health Sunscreen + Primer SPF30


4. Avoid Picking 

Don’t pick any of the scabs on your face. They will dry up and drop off on their own. Try to avoid disturbing or picking any scabs as this could result in scarring or cause an infection. Leave your skin to heal. 

5. Stay Hydrated 

Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water helps to keep your skin looking brighter, clear, and more youthful. In addition, your surgeon will advise you to stay hydrated after your procedure to remove toxins from the body so that you can get back to your normal self. 

After your facelift, it’s important that you follow your surgeon’s instructions. Creating a good skincare routine is key to looking after your skin not only after a facelift but for maintaining your results for years to come. 

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