How Long Do Breast Implants Last? cover

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Although breast implants last for a long time, they don’t last forever. Different factors influence how long breast implants last, including whether they rupture, leak, or in some cases, develop breast implant illness. In addition, the older your breast implants are, the greater the risk for any associated complications. So how long do breast implants last? Read on.

Breast implants are often used to enhance the appearance of your breasts. This is achieved by either enlarging your breast size, correcting developmental defects, or reconstructing after breast cancer surgery or trauma, which is done through breast surgery. Breast implants are sacs filled with silicone gel or saline water inserted into your breasts.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Making the decision to have breast implants is a major decision. Therefore, one of the many questions posed by patients who undergo breast cosmetic surgery involves understanding how long the breast implants will last. On average, breast implants last for about 10 to 20 years; however, this duration usually varies from one individual to another.

In most cases, after undergoing a breast surgery that involves the insertion of breast implants, your surgeon recommends specific ways of taking care of your implants to help them last longer. However, the development of different complications and other factors may influence the longevity of your breast implants.

Specifically, the following are some of the complications that may develop after getting breast implants that may affect how long they last:

1.      Breast hardening

Also known as capsular contracture, this involves the hardening of the scar tissue around the implants, which results from breast implant surgery. This can cause the breasts to feel hard and painful to touch and change the shape and size of the breasts. In case of this complication, it is recommended that you visit your surgeon, who will guide you through the most effective solution, for example, the removal of the implants.

Implant removal, capsulectomy, breast re-augmentation - the Harley Clinic

2.      Silicone implant rupture

Also known as a silent rupture, a silicone rapture may go unnoticed, but it is important to watch out for the signs. Due to the nature of silicone implants, which involves silicon gel that stays intact even after the rapture, this makes it difficult to tell if it ruptures. However, if you notice an uneven appearance, reduced breast size, burning, swelling, or a tingling sensation, it may be a sign that your silicone implants have ruptured, and you require to visit your surgeon.

3.      Saline implant rupture

Although rare in the first few years after surgery, saline implant rupture results in a leak of the saline, which is often absorbed by the surrounding tissue. Therefore, since a saline implant deflates like a balloon once it ruptures, the breast automatically loses shape. In case this happens, you must visit your cosmetic surgeon, who may recommend removing and replacing the implant.

Breast re-augmentation and removal of breast implant rupture

4.      Rippling and palpability

Breast implant rippling involves the development of ripples, which you may notice by feeling and, in some cases, they may be visible through the skin. It is usually one of the side effects of breast augmentation using implants. This may be uncomfortable and also not pleasing to see, which may require you to visit your plastic surgeon to find ways of rectifying it.

5.      Personal choice

Your preferences may change sometime after the initial breast surgery. Therefore, you may require revision surgery to install bigger or smaller implants. In other cases, you may even decide to have the implants removed, affecting the longevity of the breast implants.

Knowing the details of any cosmetic procedure before undergoing it is vital, including understanding how long the breast implants last. If you want to learn more about breast implants before deciding to have breast implant surgery, contact the Harley Clinic and book a consultation with an expert.

Further Reading:

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