Split earlobe correction is a relatively straightforward and quick procedure to repair a split earlobe. 

What is Split Earlobe Correction?

The main reason for split earlobe correction surgery is to repair a split earlobe from earrings, injury, or sports. Whether it’s widening ear pierce holes or trauma, there are several reasons why an earlobe may split. People who have thin earlobes may find that the earlobe splits more easily. The good news is that you can repair a split or partially split earlobe. 

Split Earlobe Correction: Quick Overview

What Happens During Split Earlobe Correction Surgery?

During split earlobe correction surgery, your surgeon will remove the damaged skin and reattach both sides. You create 2 raw sides and then stitch them together with either dissolvable stitches or sutures that will need to be later removed by your surgeon. Dissolvable stitches are absorbed by the body and don’t need to be removed by your surgeon. The scar will either be a straight line or zigzag pattern. The procedure takes between 30-45 minutes for both ears. You will be under local anaesthetic to numb the area.

Should You Have Earlobe Repair Surgery?

The primary aim of split earlobe correction surgery is to repair the earlobe. This could be an earlobe that has previously been torn, stretched, or split. It can also address congenital earlobe abnormalities that have been present since birth. Many patients opt for this treatment to increase confidence, style their hair without worrying about revealing their ears, and the freedom to wear earrings without the risk of it falling out. 

When you use ear stretchers bigger than a certain size, your ear will not contract back to its original size. With ear stretchers, as the diameter gets bigger, so does the size of the hole in your earlobe. Ear stretching can cause an ear blowout, where the inside earlobe skin gets pushed out the back of the earlobe.

What are the Benefits of Split Earlobe Correction Surgery?

If you have a split earlobe from an earring or injury, you may find that you feel self-conscious. Even heavy earrings can put a lot of pressure on the earlobe. Fortunately, the procedure is straightforward and a relatively quick fix to repair a split earlobe. 

Benefits of the surgery include:

  • Minimal scarring 
  • Looks natural 
  • Repair splits in earlobe from earrings, trauma, sports, and injury  

Who is the Ideal Candidate for Split Earlobe Correction?

The ideal candidate for this treatment has torn, stretched, or injured earlobes. They may have split earlobes from heavy earrings or from an injury. Perhaps, you would like to wear earrings or you dread wearing your hair in certain styles that show off your earlobes. 

How Long Does it Take to Recover From Split Earlobe Correction Surgery?

Following the procedure, you will be in minimal pain for up to 2 days. Your surgeon will advise you on the best way to manage any pain to make the recovery process as comfortable as possible. Most patients return to regular activties the day after the operation. You should keep the area dry for the first 24 to 48 hours as directed by your surgeon. 

In general, it takes between 4-6 weeks for your earlobe to heal fully. Your scars may look a little red for a few months but will continue to fade over time. You should avoid wearing heavy earrings for at least 6 months to give your earlobe the best chance of healing and maximise the results. 

Does Split Earlobe Correction Leave a Scar?

Any type of surgery will leave a scar, but your surgeon will use techniques to minimise scarring. Rarely, people develop larger scars such as hypertrophic or keloid scars. Your surgeon will discuss this with you at your consultation. 

When Can You Wear Earrings After Split Earlobe Correction?

Following your surgery, you should wait at least 3 months before wearing earrings. This is because the scar is still weak from the procedure and is more prone to splitting if you wear heavy earrings. 

Does Earlobe Split Repair Surgery Hurt?

No, your surgeon will use general anaesthesia to make sure the treatment is pain-free. After the anaesthetic wears off after the procedure, you may experience some discomfort which you can ease with painkillers. Any discomfort should ease up by the next day. 

What Aftercare is Involved with Split Earlobe Correction?

Your surgeon will provide you with post-operative care instructions, including:

  • Keep the treated area dry for up to 2 days
  • Watch out for signs of infection and consult with your doctor when needed 
  • A follow-up appointment to remove stitches if not dissolvable stitches.  
  • Use a scar gel after 3 weeks. 

Before and After Split Earlobe Repair at The Harley Clinic

Before and after split earlobe repair at The Harley Clinic London

What are the Potential Risks and Complications of Split Earlobe Correction Surgery?

There are potential risks and complications with any procedure. If you have a history of large and bulky scars, then the risk of developing that sort of scar is higher. Other risks and complications include:

  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Infection   
  • Healing failure 
  • Notching of the area 

Split earlobes can occur in people for several different reasons. From large earrings to clip-on earrings that are too tight, you can experience split earlobes. If you experience a split earlobe, the surgery to fix the issue is straightforward and requires minimal downtime to recover. 


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