Prepare for Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty): 8 Things You Need to Do 

Eyelid surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed each year. It has the power to revitalise the eye area and create a more youthful appearance. You can perform eyelid surgery on either the upper or lower lids, or both to tighten sagging skin and make your eyes look more open and brighter. Read to find out how to prepare for eyelid surgery.  

There are several reasons why people choose to undergo eyelid surgery, such as: 

  • Excess and hanging skin covering the upper eyelids
  • Loose skin over the eyelids
  • Puffy upper and lower eyelids 

As you age, your skin starts to lose that elasticity bounce and muscles can become a little lax. Around the eyelids, this can result in excess skin gathering around the creases in the upper and lower lids. Where muscles start to become lax, this can also increase the appearance of eye bags. Droopy eyelids can also be the result of genetics and occur during early adulthood. 

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a procedure to remove excess fat and skin from the eyelid. You can have eyelid surgery for hooded eyes or to improve the appearance of eye bags. It’s also known as eyelid reduction or eye lift. 

During eyelid surgery, your surgeon will usually make a cut along the eyelid. This can be in the creases of the upper lid or along the lashes of the lower lid. For some cases, you may need both incisions or just one. These incisions typically extend into the crow’s feet region in the corner of the eyes. 

Prepare for eyelid surgery: Eyelid surgery reduction and lift, upper blepharoplasty before and after

What’s the Difference Between Double Eyelid Surgery and Upper Eyelid Surgery? 

Within the umbrella of eyelid surgery, you have a few different options to consider. Depending on your concern and what you’re hoping to achieve, the best approach may change. 

  • Upper eyelid surgery – this surgery targets loss of vision or changes in appearance mainly due to genetics or ageing in the upper eye area. So, it focuses on excess skin and fat around the upper eye. 
  • Lower eyelid surgery – as the name suggests, this surgery focuses on removing wrinkles and eye bags in the lower eyelid region. 
  • Double eyelid surgery – your surgeon makes an incision in the upper eyelid crease to create a wider-looking eye. 

8 Tips to Prepare for Eyelid Surgery 

With any cosmetic surgery, it’s important that you feel mentally and physically prepared. You need to go in knowing everything possible about your procedure, so you know what to expect. It’s normal to feel excited and a little worried or nervous about the operation. The main thing is that you feel completely confident in your surgeon’s abilities and feel ready to proceed with the procedure. Here’s how to prepare for eyelid surgery.

1. Stop Smoking

When preparing for any cosmetic surgery, you will be asked to stop smoking. This is because smoking can narrow the blood vessels and interfere with the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. Smoking is also a significant risk factor for wound healing. So, to minimise the risk of post-operative complications and achieve the best results, you should stop smoking before and after your procedure. 

2. Adjust Current Medications 

Depending on your case, your surgeon may advise you to either stop or adjust certain medications. During your consultation, you will discuss your medical history and any current medications. Your surgeon can then give you the best advice based on your individual case. You should avoid taking anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning medication before your surgery as it can cause problems with bleeding. 

3. Pack Sunglasses and Prescription Glasses 

After your surgery, you may be sensitive to light. So, pack some dark sunglasses in your bag to wear after your procedure. You can wear them on your way home. If you wear prescription glasses, avoid wearing contacts and opt for regular glasses. 

4. Avoid Alcohol 

Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 1 week before your eyelid surgery. Alcohol can interfere with anaesthetic, so it’s important that you don’t drink alcohol in the run-up to your procedure. You should also avoid drinking alcohol immediately after your surgery while your body is healing. 

5. Wash the Night Before 

Your surgeon will give you instructions on how to wash and prepare. On the day, it’s essential that you don’t wear any makeup, lotions, perfume, and facial jewellery. Wear loose and comfortable fitting clothes on the day of your surgery. 

6. Healthy Meal Prep 

Your nutrition before and after cosmetic surgery is important in setting the optimal foundation for recovery and great results. After surgery, typically the last thing you want to do is make a healthy meal. It’s a good idea to meal prep ahead of your procedure so that you have some healthy meals to eat as you rest and recover. 

7. Prepare for Your Recovery 

Before your procedure, you will have a detailed list of pre and post-operative instructions to follow from your surgeon. They will advise you on what to do and what not to do to help prepare for eyelid surgery. By feeling prepared and ready for your surgery both mentally and physically, you can set yourself up for a strong and speedy recovery. 

Other ways to prepare for eyelid surgery recovery include: 

  • Arrange your post-procedure transportation 
  • Have everyday items in easy reach 
  • Arrange childcare or pet care immediately following your surgery 
  • Stock up on over the counter painkillers 
  • Pack your dressing gown and slippers the night before 

8. No Eating or Drinking Before Eyelid Surgery 

You should avoid eating or drinking anything about 6 hours before your surgery. So, if your procedure is in the morning, avoid eating and drinking when you wake up. 

Eyelid Surgery at the Harley Clinic London

Eyelid surgery is a straightforward procedure where you can go home the same day. Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions will ensure a speedy recovery. For more information about how to prepare for eyelid surgery, book a consultation today at the Harley Clinic and discuss your treatment plan with an expert Harley Street plastic surgeon. Schedule your initial consultation with Dr Riaz Agha by contacting our cosmetic surgery clinic in London. 

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