Preparing for a nose job: new nose shape, rhinoplasty

How to Prepare for a Nose Job at The Harley Clinic

Every year, plastic surgeons perform thousands of rhinoplasty procedures. Your recovery time is crucial to achieving great results in your nose surgery. The first step to optimising your recovery is choosing the right surgeon to perform the operation. Once you schedule an appointment with a qualified surgeon, ask as many questions as possible, including the nose job cost, recovery time and possible complications. 

It’s also advisable to ask to see their before and after nose job photos to make a more informed decision on who is the best fit for you. Read on to learn more about what you can do before your surgery for a smoother and seamless recovery.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, is a procedure that can permanently change the shape or size of the nose. While there are different techniques and approaches to rhinoplasty, a nose job can do the following: 

  • Reduce the size or length of the nose
  • Remove a lump on the nose 
  • Straighten a crooked nose 
  • Nostril reduction 
  • Reshape the nasal tip 
  • Improve or fix breathing difficulties 

There are different types of rhinoplasty, including: 

  • Open rhinoplasty – an incision is made across the skin between the nostrils, leaving a small scar. Your surgeon can alter cartilage and bone to change the shape or size of the nose. 
  • Closed rhinoplasty – an incision is made inside the nostril, leaving minimal scarring.  
  • Alar base reduction – a procedure that targets the nostril shape or size specifically. 
  • Septorhinoplasty – surgery to correct a deviated septum and improve the nose’s appearance. 
  • Rhinoplasty-tip – a procedure to reduce the size of the tip of the nose. 

Nose Job Before and After at The Harley Clinic 

Before and after nose job revision rhinoplasty at the Harley Clinic

How to Prepare for Rhinoplasty: 10 Things You Need to Do

Whether you have open or closed rhinoplasty, a nose job is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, and for a reason. The nose shape has a powerful impact on the overall look and balance of the face. While your plastic surgeon will give you thorough pre and post-surgery instructions to follow, here are 10 things to help you prepare for your nose job. 

1. Stop Smoking

Whether you’re getting a nose job or breast augmentation, this advice will remain the same. Smoking can hinder the recovery process and increase the chances of post-surgical complications. If you can, quit smoking before your surgery to maintain the best long-term results. If not, try to stop smoking at least two weeks before the procedure and during recovery. 

2. Avoid Alcohol and Sun Damage 

Avoid drinking alcohol the week before your surgery, as it can dehydrate you and impact your immune system. In addition, avoid sun damage before and after the procedure, as it can impact the healing process. 

3. No Topical Creams 

Although stopping your skincare routine can be frustrating, avoid using topical creams for about four days before the procedure. You can use simple moisturisers, but don’t use anything with Salicylic Acid or other BHAs. 

4. Build Your Recovery Space

After your surgery, you will feel sleepy and want to get home to start your recovery. Before the procedure, think about building your recovery space ahead of time. Double-check that all your essentials are within a reachable distance and that the area is comfortable for your recovery. Consider the following:

  • Stock up on medical supplies 
  • Healthy meal prep 
  • Entertainment options 
  • Spare pillows and blankets 
  • Ice packs in the freezer 

5. Arrange Your Post-Op Care 

Following your surgery, you should arrange for someone to drive you home and help out for the first day or so. If you have kids or pets, you may need to arrange some help with this. Having someone around for the first day to help with meal prep and keep you comfortable is very useful. 

6. Stop Certain Medications 

Your plastic surgeon will advise exactly what medications to stop before surgery. Some medications cause anaesthesia reactions and impact blood clotting and blood flow. They include blood-thinning medicines, aspirin, and ibuprofen. Your surgeon may also ask you to avoid certain supplements, including Vitamin E supplements, fish oil, and ginseng, among others.  

7. Discuss Your Expectations

Finally, before you go in for the nose job, go through your expectations with your plastic surgeon. At this point, it’s also vital that you go into the surgery with realistic expectations. Your doctor will have discussed what your nose job can and cannot accomplish for you.  

How to Prepare for a Nose Job: The Night Before Your Surgery 

Weeks leading to your surgery will be exciting as you look forward to the surgery and your new nose. While there are precautions you will need to follow a few weeks before your surgery, your doctor will also give you instructions on what to do and not do the night before the surgery.

8. No Food or Drink After 12 

Don’t eat or drink anything after 12 the night before your surgery. The general rule of thumb is to not eat or drink anything at least 8 hours before your surgery, so having a cut-off of 12 the night before is a good guideline for most patients. 

9. Wear Loose-Fitting Clothes 

Prepare some loose-fitting clothes for the day of your surgery. You want to be comfy during your recovery with no restrictive clothing. Leave your valuables at home and don’t wear any jewellery to your procedure. Avoid wearing clothes that have to go over your head. Instead, bring clothes that fasten at the front so they don’t go over your nose after the procedure. 

10. Don’t Wear Makeup or Contact Lenses 

Avoid wearing any makeup before your surgery. Also, make sure you’re not wearing any contact lenses. You can wear glasses on the day of your procedure. If you have a splint after your nose job, then you should be able to wear glasses immediately after your procedure. But without a splint, or when the splint comes out, you will have to avoid wearing glasses for several weeks. 

What To Expect Before, During and After Your Surgery? 

It’s normal to feel anxious on your surgery day. Knowing what to expect can take some edge off and help you relax. Before your surgery, you must arrive on time.  

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anaesthesia. Once you are sedated, the surgeon will make an incision at the base of your nose to expose the nasal cartilage and bones. Depending on your goals, surgery may involve shaving down the cartilage and bones, adding a cartilage graft or repositioning the nasal tissues.

A common misconception regarding rhinoplasty is that the nasal bones are broken. In reality, the surgeon doesn’t break the bones but instead cuts them if the goal is to narrow the nose or reduce a hump. If you have a deviated septum, the surgeon straightens it to improve breathing before draping the skin back and closing the incision.

A rhinoplasty doesn’t require an overnight stay at the hospital, so you will likely go home the same day. You may or may not have gauze packing in your nose. Internal and external splints may, however, be used. Your surgeon may also prescribe pain medication to help with the discomfort and pain. You will have visible bruising under the eyes, swelling, and your nose will feel congested.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Nose Job?

Nose job recovery generally takes between 6-8 weeks. During your recovery time, there are several things you will need to avoid, like driving, going to the gym, and other strenuous activities until your surgeon gives you the all-clear. After the procedure, there will be some bruising around the eyes. This tends to clear up after about 10 days. 

To support your nose job recovery, here are some tips for optimal healing:

  • Don’t blow your nose 
  • Prop your head up with pillows when you sleep 
  • Sleep on your back 
  • Avoid dusty or smoky environments 
  • Stick to your surgeon’s aftercare instructions 
  • Brush your teeth gently 
  • Avoid touching or bumping your nose while it’s healing 

Make sure to give yourself time to rest after surgery. That means taking time off work and normal daily activities for at least one week. After a couple of weeks, you will feel like your usual self again. Within months, you will have a good idea of the final result and be able to start enjoying your new nose. However, the final look won’t be apparent until all the swelling has gone down, which could take a full year.

It’s normal to feel the temptation to assess the results of your nose job right after the surgery. But try and reserve your judgement until all the swelling has subsided. Patience is crucial when you are recovering from any cosmetic surgery. You might require rhinoplasty revision when your nose is fully healed, and your plastic surgeon can now evaluate the final results.

Having a second surgery can be frustrating, but it’s okay to request a revision if you feel that you didn’t get the desired results. However, you can avoid all this frustration if you go in with realistic expectations and choose the right plastic surgeon. At the same time, it might help to know that most people who get nose surgery are satisfied with the results after the first procedure.  

Rhinoplasty Surgery at The Harley Street Clinic, London

While a non-surgical nose job (nose filler) is an option, people who want to alter the shape or size of their nose tend to choose the surgical route. It’s vital that you take any surgery seriously to help optimise the outcome and minimise the risks. Your recovery depends on how well you prepare your body and mind before the surgery.

If you’re considering getting a nose job, book a consultation today at The Harley Clinic, London, to discuss your options and start your rhinoplasty journey. 

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