Recovery Guide: Drains After Breast Surgery 101

Breast surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedure performed in the UK. However, most patients who undergo breast surgery often have many concerns about how to recover. Some of the most commonly asked questions concerning recovery from breast surgery involve the surgical drains after breast surgery. Let’s talk about drains after breast surgery […]

Breast Lift Recovery Stages: Timeline & Tips

A combination of ageing, gravity, weight loss or pregnancy can cause your breasts to lose their youthful perkiness, resulting in an undesirable shape. This can wreak havoc on your self-esteem and confidence. Breast lift recovery stages are a key part of the recovery process and achieving your dream look. Breast lift surgery – also known as […]

Breast Reduction Recovery Week by Week: What to Expect

According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ latest plastic surgery statistics, breast reduction is the second most popular cosmetic procedure in the UK. If you’re thinking about undergoing breast reduction surgery, it’s normal to ask about the recovery process. Here is a breakdown of breast reduction recovery week by week.  Why Consider Breast Reduction Surgery? Breast […]

7 Simple Breast Lift Surgery Recovery Tips

If sagging breasts are a concern for you, a breast lift may transform your life and boost your confidence. Ageing, pregnancy and weight loss can all affect breast shape and position. Breast lift surgery can lift and reshape your breasts into a higher, more youthful position. Recovery is so important in the outcome of a […]

7 Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips: How to Achieve the Best Results

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure to enhance breast size and shape. Typically, this is through breast implants. But there are several options when it comes to breast augmentation. To achieve the best results, you need to find the best treatment for you. Think about the goals you’re trying to get, and always do your […]

Aftercare: 11 Simple Recovery From Breast Reduction Tips

Every year, thousands of breast reduction surgeries are performed in the UK. After undergoing breast reduction surgery, it can feel like a pretty big weight has been lifted. This is especially true if large breasts were causing neck, shoulder, and back pain. As with any surgery, you will need to spend time resting and recovering […]

Male Breast Reduction Recovery: Why Wear A Compression Vest?

Like any cosmetic procedure, your body needs time to heal and rest before you resume normal activities. Wearing a gynaecomastia compression vest is crucial to male breast reduction surgery recovery, so you must follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions.  What is a Compression Vest? A compression vest is also known as a surgical garment or compression […]

Breast Reduction Surgery: Procedure & Recovery Time

The aim of breast reduction surgery is to remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to create a more proportioned look. Large breasts can cause neck and back pain while making exercise a massive challenge. Not to mention how it can impact your comfort while you sleep. Breast reduction is major surgery. If you’re thinking […]

Does Mummy Makeover Surgery Include Breast Augmentation?

Are you considering a mummy makeover UK and you’re wondering if it includes breast augmentation? You’re not alone. In fact, it’s one of the most common mummy makeover FAQs. The answer involves varying degrees of complexity so let’s delve into the details. What Happens to a Woman’s Breasts During Pregnancy First we need to understand […]

Breast Lift Vs. Breast Reduction, London: Which One is Right For You?

A woman’s breasts may undergo many changes in her lifetime. Their appearance can be affected by aging, weight fluctuations or pregnancy, perhaps even all three. The effects of breast aging can include drooping and loss of volume, resulting in the breasts looking less firm, shapely and perky. If that describes you and it’s affecting your […]