You can’t emphasise the importance of a good night’s sleep enough. Consistent and quality is the backbone of a healthy lifestyle. Many people experience problems with sleep throughout their lives. Difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep are some of the most common sleep complaints, followed by sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. 

What Causes Sleep Problems?

Sleep is extremely important to your physical and mental health. If you’re having trouble sleeping, it can result in immediate effects such as difficulty concentrating and fogginess. But a lack of sleep can also lower your immune function, make you more susceptible to illness, increase cravings, and stop weight loss in its tracks. 

One in three people in the UK suffers from poor sleep. Everyone requires a different amount of sleep to function at optimum levels. In general, as you get older, you need to sleep less. Not getting enough sleep regularly makes it more likely for you to develop conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and be overweight. Struggling to sleep can also affect your emotional well-being. There are several causes of sleep problems, including anxiety, stress, and depression. 

What are the Most Common Sleep Problems?

The average person spends about 26 years asleep. When you sleep, your body and mind recover and heals from the day. A lot of us struggle to fall asleep. A lack of sleep can make you mentally and physically unwell. Most people have times when they struggle to fall asleep, but it can really impact your overall well-being when this is a regular occurrence. 

Some of the most common sleep problems include: 

  • Insomnia – this is the most common sleep disorder. Someone who has insomnia may find it hard to fall asleep, wake up several times in the night, or wake up too early. Because you’re not sleeping properly, it can lead to feelings of anxiousness, irritability and make it hard to concentrate. 
  • Narcolepsy – this causes you to fall asleep at inappropriate times suddenly. Narcolepsy occurs when the brain is unable to regulate your sleep/wake cycle. You could fall asleep suddenly while at work, driving, or talking. 
  • Sleep apnoea – people with sleep apnoea find that their breathing stops and starts when asleep. This constantly interrupts your sleep, leaving you feeling very tired the next day. You will often snore loudly and make more noises while you’re asleep. Tiredness during the day can lead to mood swings, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. 

What Happens When Your Body Doesn’t Get Enough Sleep?

If you’re regularly not getting enough sleep, it can put you at serious risk for several conditions. With high levels of stress and as the balance between work and home continue to merge, it’s hard to disconnect and get the sleep you need for your body and mind to recover. Over time, if you don’t get enough sleep, it can result in: 

  • Gain weight 
  • Crave junk food 
  • Feel moody and tired
  • Regular skin breakouts 
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Reduced concentration and slower thinking  
  • Get sick more often 

How Much Sleep Should You Get?

The general advice for healthy adults is to sleep between 7-9 hours each night. As you get older, you tend to need less sleep. In individual cases, it may be perfectly suitable to sleep an hour above or below the recommended number. Some people have unique circumstances in which there is wriggle room. They simply function perfectly well with more or less sleep than the average person. 

What Treatments Are Available at the Harley Clinic?

You can access our sleep and well-being experts at the Harley Clinic to improve your sleep hygiene and start getting consistent and high-quality sleep. Our experts will evaluate your specific case and craft a tailor-made plan around your body, so you have the tools to live your best life. 

After speaking with you in an open and honest conversation, we will determine the best route of action. As sleep problems can occur because of several physiological and psychological factors, it’s essential to find the problem and create a solution to the issue. We offer both face to face consultation and virtual consultations to suit your needs. 

If you’re struggling to sleep due to insomnia, restless leg syndrome, or other sleep issues, getting professional help can be just what you need. Your sleep affects your daily life, weight, skin, and mind. Take the guesswork out of your sleep by booking a consultation at the Harley Clinic. 

What are the Benefits of Sleep Services at the Harley Clinic?

At the Harley Clinic, our sleep experts help you to get to the root of a problem. Sleep is complex, and often the reason for sleep disorders is linked with stress and emotions. Other benefits of our sleep services include: 

  • Analyse your sleep patterns 
  • A holistic approach to improving sleep 
  • Learn relaxation techniques and stress management 
  • Target stress and anxiety that may be preventing you from sleeping 
  • Explore lifestyle factors that could magnify your sleep problems 

How Can You Improve Your Sleep Hygiene?

There are several things you can do to try and improve your sleep on your own such as: 

  • Create a regular bedtime routine 
  • Go to sleep and wake up at the same time 
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed 
  • Don’t use screens in the evening

Why Choose the Harley Clinic for Your Sleep Services?

If your sleep problems persist, it can be beneficial to speak to a sleep expert. The importance of good and consistent sleep to your overall well-being can’t be overstated. For more information please call 0203 582 4947 or email [email protected]