What is a Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Test?

How Does a Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Test Work?

Cubital tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when the ulnar never is injured, swollen, inflamed, or irritated. Read on to learn how the cubital tunnel syndrome test works and what to expect.  

What is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?

Cubital tunnel syndrome is a painful condition that can make you feel like you hit your “funny bone.” Other symptoms include: 

  • Hand pain 
  • Weak grip 
  • Aching pain on the inside part of the elbow 
  • Numbness or tingling in the hand and/or fingers 
cubital hand syndrome

How Does the Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Test Work?

To diagnose cubital tunnel syndrome, your doctor will perform a physical exam and talk through your medical history. Specific cubital tunnel syndrome tests can include: 

  • Nerve conduction test – this test determines how fast a signal travels down a nerve to find the compression of the nerve. Essentially, the test can measure the ability of a nerve to transmit impulses as normal. 
  • Electromyogram (EMG) – in some cases, an EMG may be used to test nerve and muscle function.  
  • X-ray – if cubital tunnel syndrome is suspected, your doctor may perform other tests to diagnose the condition like an X-ray, scan, or blood test. 

Cubital tunnel syndrome tests work by checking for normal nerve and muscle function. After diagnosing the condition, your doctor will then talk you through treatment options.  

Treatment for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

To treat cubital tunnel syndrome, your doctor will usually recommend stopping the activity that could be causing the problem. This is likely to be a motion that your repeat and could aggravate the condition. Other treatment options include:

  • Using a splint or elbow brace at night 
  • Using an elbow pad 
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medications 
  • Nerve gliding exercises

If your symptoms don’t improve, you may need either steroid injections to reduce swelling and pain or surgery. 

Cubital tunnel decompression surgery aims to release the pressure that’s compressing the nerve. During the surgery, your surgeon will make an incision over the inner side of the elbow. In some cases, your surgeon may need to remove some bone or even move the nerve a little. 

After surgery, you will need someone else to drive you home as you won’t be able to drive. Many people notice improvement soon after surgery, but in some individuals, recovery can take longer. This is especially true for more severe cases where there’s been more damage from the pressure on the ulnar nerve. 

Cubital Tunnel Release Surgery at The Harley Clinic 

If you’re experiencing cubital tunnel syndrome and your symptoms are not improving, then your doctor may recommend cubital tunnel release surgery. 

By performing a cubital tunnel syndrome test, your doctor can make the correct diagnosis so that you can access the right course of treatment.  

At The Harley Clinic, we offer a range of hand and upper limb procedures. Book a consultation today to discuss your treatment options and start your journey at our Harley Street cosmetic surgery clinic. 

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