Is Trigger Finger Treatment Without Surgery Possible? cover

Is Trigger Finger Treatment Without Surgery Possible?

Trigger finger is a painful condition that – left untreated – prevents you from bending or extending the affected finger or thumb. In many instances, the condition can go away on its own. However, persisting symptoms might force you to seek treatment. So, is trigger finger treatment without surgery possible? Read on to learn more about non-surgical approaches to treating the condition. Although hand surgery is an effective solution, it’s usually recommended if you don’t respond to non-surgical interventions. 

What is Trigger Finger?

Also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, trigger finger is a condition affecting motion in a given finger or thumb. Tendons control movement in your finger through a pulley system along the joints.

However, sometimes this system breaks down due to inflammation of the tendon sheath, making it challenging for the ligament to slide through. This results in significant pain when you flex or extend the affected finger.

Trigger finger is common in individuals whose jobs require repetitive manual movement involving significant finger involvement. They might experience the following signs and symptoms:

  • The base of the affected finger or thumb is sore and painful
  • Noticeable pain around the affected area in the morning
  • Stiff fingers – difficulty extending or curling the finger
  • In case you can extend the finger, you might hear an audible pop

Late-stage trigger finger restricts motion in your finger, making it permanently bent or straight. Therefore, seeking medical advice is imperative when you notice the various signs and symptoms.

Trigger finger disease (locking finger or stenosing tenosynovitis disorder), hand anatomy with highlight on painful area. Patient has palm pain and catching of finger problem. Medical symptom concept
trigger finger

Is Trigger Finger Treatment Without Surgery Possible?

In many instances, mild trigger finger can go away on its own. However, it’s advisable to treat the condition to prevent it from flaring up.

Because trigger finger can affect your work and routine, affected people might opt for quick remedies to solve the issue. And healing from finger surgery – however minor – can take a bit of time. Therefore, it’s important to discuss non-surgical options with your doctor.

Depending on the severity of your trigger finger case, your doctor can recommend various non-invasive means to treat the condition. Successfully applying these methods makes it possible to return to your routine activities and daily work quickly.

Non-surgical Treatment Options For Trigger Finger

As discussed earlier, you can opt for various effective options for trigger finger treatment without surgery.

These include:

  • Rest: Inflammation of the tendon sheath usually results from overuse during manual activities. Therefore, it’s advisable to pause these activities to rest the finger. This allows the inflammation to subside, enabling the tendon to move through the ligaments smoothly.
  • Medication: Your doctor can prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen to ease pain and reduce inflammation. In addition, the doctor can inject corticosteroids into the finger to reduce swelling, granting more finger movement.
  • Finger splint: Splints are used to immobilise the finger, preventing it from moving unnecessarily. This allows the finger to rest and heal.
  • Hand massage: Different hand massage techniques improve blood flow in the affected finger, aiding the healing process. 
  • Hand therapy: Hand therapy involves hand exercises that improve your finger’s range of motion.

Trigger Finger Treatment At Harley Clinic

While it’s possible to treat trigger finger without surgery, it’s important to speak with a hand specialist so you get the right course of treatment. If your painful finger shows signs of locking or you’re concerned about trigger finger, book a consultation with a hand specialist at The Harley Clinic.

Further Reading: 

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