Nose Job Recovery: Rhinoplasty Swelling Stages cover

Nose Job Recovery: Rhinoplasty Swelling Stages

If you are thinking about rhinoplasty, it’s natural to wonder how long rhinoplasty swelling stages will persist and how much downtime you will require. Rhinoplasty is one of the leading cosmetic procedures in the UK. It is a major surgery that requires significant downtime. Although most of the healing occurs within the first few days and weeks, small amounts of swelling persist for up to a year. Every rhinoplasty procedure is unique, and so is every patient’s healing pace. The best way to ensure good recovery is to follow all your doctor’s post-operative instructions. 

How Long Does it Take to Recover From Rhinoplasty?

Generally, recovery from rhinoplasty takes less than 10 days. Many factors determine the recovery time, like the type of rhinoplasty. For instance, liquid rhinoplasty requires no downtime. After the procedure, you’ll leave the hospital with a splint inside your nose that should stay in place for about 5 days. You can return to normal activities, including exercises, after 5 days. 

The only limitations are contact sports where injury to the nose is likely. Typically, it takes about 8 weeks for the nose to be rock-solid once all the tissue has fused. The average recovery time is 7 to 10 days, although this varies from person to person. Some nose jobs may include deviated septum surgery, which means more swelling and bruising. 

How Long Does Rhinoplasty Bruising Last?

Bruising is common after every cosmetic procedure, including rhinoplasty. However, with a nose job, most bruising is minimal and lasts a shorter time. Expect more bruising if the procedure involves correcting septum deviation and other nasal deformities. Generally, bruising after rhinoplasty lasts between 5 to 7 days. 

What are Common Rhinoplasty Swelling Stages?

The UK’s latest cosmetic surgery statistics show that rhinoplasty is among the top cosmetic procedures. It’s no wonder most people want to know about the swelling before having the procedure. The stages of swelling and healing depend on factors like your care techniques, lifestyle and diet. Generally, you can expect the following rhinoplasty swelling stages after a nose job:

1 Week Post-Rhinoplasty

Expect significant swelling within the first few days after your procedure. You want to give yourself plenty of time to rest and recover. The first week is the most crucial. Your nose will be tender, and you’ll probably have breathing difficulties due to the splint and nasal dressing. You may also have bruising around your cheeks, eyes, and lips and puffiness at the nose’s tip. It is common to notice asymmetry and uneven swelling during the first week. 

Week 2 Swelling 

At two weeks, there will be a significant reduction in swelling. Some bruising will remain, which you can easily conceal with makeup. As the swelling recedes, the new shape of your nose will become more distinguishable. By the end of week two, you can return to work if your job doesn’t involve strenuous activities. Avoid intense and overly demanding activities for 6 weeks. 

Week 3-4 Swelling

There should be a dramatic swelling reduction, and almost all visible signs of surgery will disappear. Your new nose will look more defined, and at this point, you can begin appreciating the procedure results. Your doctor will also likely clear you for moderate exercise. If you have naturally thick skin or have had revision rhinoplasty, you may still have some swelling at this stage of recovery. 

Before and after rhinoplasty and alar base reduction at The Harley Clinic

Months 2-3 Swelling 

Your nose will continue healing, and the swelling will have subsided even more. You will begin noticing the full results of the procedure. At this point, most people also feel ready to show off their new noses. The bone structure inside the nose will become stable enough for you to resume weight-bearing exercises and wear glasses. 

Months 3-6 Swelling 

The swelling will have reduced some more. Any prickling and numbing sensation inside the nose or skin will begin resolving. 

Months 6-12 Swelling 

After about a year, there should be minimal to no swelling. You will also see the final results of the procedure; changes to the nose will be subtle. The repositioned cartilage will have conformed to its new shape, while the nasal tip will appear more defined. 

Many factors will impact your rhinoplasty recovery. Familiarising yourself with rhinoplasty swelling stages will help you have realistic expectations for the surgery and rhinoplasty recovery

Schedule a consultation today at the Harley Clinic if you’re considering rhinoplasty. We will walk you through the procedure and the recovery and answer any questions you have. 

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