How to Decide Between Traditional and Vaser Liposuction

Nowadays, there are countless treatments for targeting stubborn fat deposits. When you think of reducing fat, no doubt you think of liposuction. But, there is more than one type of liposuction. If you’re considering getting liposuction, understanding the difference between traditional and Vaser liposuction can help you make the right decision. 

What is the Difference Between Traditional and Vaser Liposuction? 

Both traditional and Vaser liposuction are popular forms of liposuction, but what’s the difference?  

Vaser Liposuction UK 

Vaser liposuction uses a small probe to target stubborn fat cells. The probe uses ultrasound technology to liquefy fat cells. The fat is then removed from the body without damaging any surrounding cells. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that uses a local anaesthetic. The treatment is a walk-in walk-out procedure, requires less downtime than traditional liposuction, and has a significantly lower rate of bruising.  

You can use Vaser liposuction on various areas of the body, including: 

  • Arms 
  • Abdomen 
  • Buttocks 
  • Hips 
  • Neck 
  • Chin 
  • Thighs 
  • Chest 

Vaser Liposuction Pros and Cons 

In comparison to traditional liposuction, Vaser offers the following benefits:

  • Less swelling and bruising 
  • Shorter recovery time 
  • Fewer potential post-surgical complications 
  • Less likely to suffer from heavy blood loss 
  • Minimally invasive procedure 
  • Performed under local instead of general anaesthetic 

A major advantage of Vaser liposuction is that you can be very selective over the fat you target. Because Vaser lipo uses ultrasound technology, nearby structures like blood vessels are less likely to be damaged

Unlike traditional lipo, Vaser liposuction may be useful for removing cellulite. In general, it’s not a specific tool to target cellulite. But, some patients do find that there’s an improvement in the appearance of cellulite. No one can guarantee that Vaser liposuction will improve cellulite; however, it can sometimes be helpful. If you’re concerned with cellulite specifically, subcision for cellulite may be more suitable. 

Like all cosmetic treatments, there are some risks that come from Vaser liposuction. Potential risks and side effects include bruising and infection, especially if a plastic surgeon doesn’t have the experience to deliver the proper results. 

Vaser Liposuction Before and After 

Abdomen vaser liposuction and full drainless tummy tuck at the Harley Clinic

Traditional Liposuction 

In comparison, traditional liposuction uses small incisions to insert a suction probe to pull and push through the fat layer. This process breaks up the fat tissue and allows the fat to be removed using a suction pump. 

Traditional Liposuction Pros and Cons 

Traditional liposuction can permanently remove fat. If a healthy lifestyle is maintained, there’s no reason why the results would not last. The downside is that traditional liposuction is a more invasive type of liposuction. But it can remove more significant amounts of fat. 

How Long Does Recovery Take For Liposuction? | Liposuction Surgery Recovery Guide

Traditional Liposuction Before and After 

Liposuction abdomen and thighs before and after at the Harley Clinic

It’s important to understand that neither of these procedures will treat obesity. But they will permanently remove stubborn fat that is no longer responsive to exercise and diet. Both procedures have their risks, pros, and cons.   

Liposuction is a body contouring procedure, not a weight-loss procedure. This means that you should be at a healthy and stable weight, close to your ideal weight goal. Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a weight-loss method that can tackle stretch marks or loose skin. Often, the best candidates for liposuction are within about 30% of their ideal goal and have stubborn pockets of fat that have stopped responding to diet and exercise alone. 

A commitment to undergo any type of liposuction should be followed by a healthy lifestyle. It will be difficult to maintain your results without regular exercise and a healthy diet. 

Before and after Neck VASER liposuction at the Harley Clinic London

How to Choose the Best Type of Liposuction 

When choosing the best type of liposuction for you, often it will depend on a few different factors. For liposuction procedures, you should be at a stable weight, non-smoker, have good muscle tone, a positive outlook, and not have any underlying health conditions that could impact the healing process. 

Traditional and Vaser Liposuction

Traditional liposuction targets excessive fat in specific areas of the body. Usually, suitable candidates for this procedure are larger with a greater BMI as they wish to target bigger areas of the body. In comparison, Vaser liposuction is suitable for patients with an average BMI who want to target smaller pockets of fat. 

As you can see, the best type of liposuction really depends on your individual case and how much fat you’re looking to remove. Other elements to consider are recovery time, as Vaser lipo requires a shorter healing time than traditional liposuction. Most patients recover from Vaser liposuction in 1 week, while it can take considerably longer with traditional liposuction. So, the best treatment depends on several factors, as well as your own expectations and medical history. 

By speaking to an experienced plastic surgeon, they can help guide you to make the right decision for your body. During a consultation, they would ask you plenty of questions so that they can have all the information they need to deliver the best advice possible and to make sure that it’s safe to go ahead with the surgery. 

The Importance of Skin Elasticity for Great Traditional and Vaser Liposuction Results 

The skin is designed to have some level of elasticity so that it expands and retracts to an extent. However, at times the skin can stretch and start to lose its elastic ability. For example, when you have excess and loose skin after significant weight loss or pregnancy. While the body is impressive in the way it can change over time, sometimes it struggles to return to its former capabilities. 

With liposuction, patients often fall into two categories. After the procedure, the skin will conform to its new shape with good elasticity. Or there is too much loose skin, and it lacks the ability to conform to your new shape. In the second case, your plastic surgeon may recommend further body contouring procedures to tighten the loose skin. 

Traditional and Vaser Liposuction Q & A

Is Vaser lipo better than traditional lipo?

Traditional and Vaser liposuction are types of liposuction, a cosmetic procedure that involves removing unwanted body fats. Vaser lipo is often considered modern and less invasive since it uses ultrasound technology to break up targeted fat cells. On the other hand, traditional lipo, also known as classic lipo, is considered a bit traditional and more invasive since fat removal involves motion. The surgeon moves his wrist back and forth until the desired amount of fat is removed in classic lipo. Therefore, you may consider either depending on your preference since both are effective in removing unwanted fats.

What type of lipo removes the most fat?

Both traditional lipo and Vaser lipo are used to remove stubborn fat from different selected areas in the body. However, if you want to target excessive fat, traditional liposuction is the most recommended type. This is because, unlike Vaser lipo, which often targets smaller pockets of fat, traditional lipo targets fat in larger areas. Therefore, traditional lipo is the type that removes most fat; however, when making the decision on which type of lipo to settle on, it is important to seek the input of your plastic surgeon.

Which liposuction method is best?

The best liposuction method may vary depending on what you want to achieve and how you want your experience to be. For example, if you aim to remove excess fat from selected sections of the body, then traditional lipo may be more suitable. However, Vaser lipo may be better if you want to remove smaller pockets of fat and have a shorter recovery period. This is because, unlike the traditional lipo, which may take about 6 weeks to recover, Vaser lipo requires a shorter recovery period of about 1 to 2 weeks since it is less invasive.

Before and after VASER liposuction of the back - The Harley Clinic London

Does the fat come back after Vaser lipo?

No, fat does not come back after Vaser lipo. The mechanism used in Vaser lipo results in the permanent removal of fat cells, which prevent them from growing back. It involves the use of ultrasonic energy to break up and melt targeted fatty tissue and a small hollow cannula tube to extract the liquified fats. However, it is important to note that you can still gain weight after Vaser lipo since this is not a weight-loss procedure. Therefore, most Vaser lipo patients are advised to maintain a healthy weight after the procedure.

How much fat is removed during Vaser lipo?

The recommended amount of fat removed during lipo is no more than 3 to 5 litres or 4% of your body weight. This could be even less during Vaser liposuction. Being one of the most common cosmetic surgeries conducted in the UK, liposuction involves the removal of a limited amount of fat per session to avoid complications. In addition, you can undergo Vaser lipo a second time; however, it is recommended that you consult your cosmetic surgeon before making the decision. This will ensure that you are safe and maintain your health throughout and after the procedure.

Liposuction London at the Harley Clinic

If you’re considering liposuction, book a consultation today at the Harley Clinic London. 

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