How Long for Breast Lift Incisions to Heal? cover

How Long for Breast Lift Incisions to Heal?

Breast lift surgery is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures. However, most women often have various concerns before undergoing the procedure. One of these concerns is knowing how long it takes for breast lift incisions to heal. Read on to learn how long for breast lift incisions to heal and tips to help ease the recovery process.

What is a Breast Lift?

Also known as mastopexy, a breast lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that changes the shape of your breasts. It is carried out by a plastic surgeon, who removes excess skin from the breasts, reshaping the breast tissue to raise them. Many choose to undergo the procedure to boost their self-confidence and self-image.

The change in the shape of the breasts is often facilitated by factors such as age, pregnancy, or even weight loss. This makes the breasts lose their youthful perkiness, which may have a negative impact on your self-esteem. 

Breast re-augmentation and rocket lift at The Harley Clinic, London

How Long for Breast Lift Incisions to Heal?

It is important to note that a breast lift is an invasive procedure that requires patience throughout the healing process. In addition, each patient’s breast lift recovery journey is unique since they are different.

In most cases, women are able to resume their daily routines six weeks after the surgery. Additionally, the incisions may take about two weeks to heal, which allows your surgeon to clear you to take baths. This is achieved through a series of healing and recovery stages; as a patient, you should be patient and follow your surgeon’s guidelines through the healing process.

The following is a series of the recovery stages:

2 to 3 Days After Surgery

During this period, the incision is usually fresh, and you might be uncomfortable, which is often considered normal. Your surgeon may recommend a specific bra or provide you with a surgical bra to support your breasts and compression bandages to protect the incisions.

1 Week After the Surgery

During this period, the pain levels significantly reduce, making it less uncomfortable. However, moderate swelling and bruising of the breasts may persist. In addition, most women are often allowed to perform light duties.

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 2 Week After Surgery

The incision wounds fully heal during this period, greatly reducing pain. Your surgeon will also allow you to take normal showers since the wounds are healed, although the scars may be evident. You will also be able to perform different daily activities; however, strenuous work is discouraged.

 4 Week After Surgery

Your surgeon will remove the stitches during this period, which may result in you feeling uncomfortable. In addition, most women often start noticing the changes during this recovery step. This is because the swelling continually reduces.

6 Week After Surgery

This is usually the last recovery stage; by this time, the bruising and swelling have gone down, leaving the changes evident. During this period, you may engage in your everyday activities and also wear regular bras.

Ultimately, how long for breast lift incisions to heal does come to the individual. But in general, it takes about 2-3 weeks for the incision to close and heal. After this time, the scar will continue to fade. If you’re considering undergoing the procedure, contact The Harley Clinic team and book a consultation today.

Further Breast Lift Reading: 

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